Thursday, March 31, 2011

Juice of the soul against the cold tone , how to make delicious cold at home

 Delicious bowl of fresh cold makes the simple recollection of all the success to the cold sauce. To master a few key spices to do the same taste at home in a super-pure cold. First, choose fresh vegetables, such as cucumber, tomatoes, ginger, followed by the most critical, is against the juice.
do to avoid cold soup floating a greasy oil slick, not too greasy surface of juice and other food, takes only a glimpse to no appetite. Talk about the specific practices of this cold juice bar: 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, ½ teaspoon salt, then tomatoes, ginger, cucumber, scallions and a bowl of paragraph Paoshang with cool white open. And then placed into the refrigerator freezer for an hour, a bowl of icy cold delicious juice you can always stand slightly.
If you hurry, want to eat the shells teeth refreshing noodles, noodles in a short time can make a more chewy texture of the quick way, you can also add some cold sauce good ice cold. When eating, remember to avoid the Titanic of the ice, like teeth, careful not to hit, huh, huh. 1. Materials (2 servings): 300 grams of noodles, tomatoes, 3, 2 cucumbers, 2 salted duck, bacon 4 (sauce beef also), 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, half teaspoon salt, cool white open amount.

2. Boiled water into ice in the cold, then add apple cider vinegar, sugar, chicken, soy sauce, salt, tomatoes, ginger, cucumber, scallions segment, into the refrigerator freezer for use.

3, Next, soak the dried noodles 2 hours with water and hand rub it fully spread, must be soaked before they can cook, or else the noodles will be like a rubber band, as particularly difficult Cook .

4, the water boil, add noodles, stirring from time to time with chopsticks to prevent sticking, cook 1 minute or so until their soft non-hardening, it can remove the.

5, remove the cooked noodles, immediately placed in ice water have been prepared in good, and for 3 to 4 times washed, drained and put into bowl.
6, into the cold cold good sweet and sour sauce, and finally according to their own taste with vegetables, meat, kimchi (pickled vegetables that contain any), a bowl of superb home-made noodles on the well . The real bomb teeth and refreshing, icy to the heart.

A variety of steamed eggs, after doing for the children to eat

cold water 2 eggs 5 tablespoons salt 1 / 2 teaspoon sesame oil 1 kitchen towel 1 / 4 teaspoon
【1】 eggs beaten until the egg white and egg yolk mixed with a uniform, not to have chunks of condensation.
【2】 added cold water (do not directly increase raw water), while Canada, while mix, then add salt, stir fully. General egg and water ratio is 1:2
【3】 by slipping through the net to filter out air bubbles, or kitchen towel siphoning off the egg surface of the bubble, to ensure smooth liquid surface, so the whole out of the eggs, soup, we will be ugly cell.
【4】 cover with a plastic wrap, placed in the steamer, the fire heating, when the boiling water in the steamer, turned a small fire, and steam about 10 minutes.
【5】 after the pan, along the edge of the bowl topped with a little sesame oil.
】 【caramel milk boil egg
milk 250ml, two eggs, sugar
1, milk + eggs + sugar, stir
2, using filters to filter the egg, so that relatively tender stew out of 4, seal stew for 10 minutes
】 【milk boil egg
fresh milk 250ml, 2 eggs, sugar amount (about to do two bowls)
1, milk, sugar together into the pot, with a fully dissolve the sugar over low heat away from the fire after the cooling backup.
2, the egg shell, the use of chopsticks or utensils Gunda quickly stir into the egg mixture, add the syrup has cooled, mix well again, so that egg mixture, mixing with sugar.
3, the bowl into the steamer, steaming hot bowl after first resisting, then sugar and egg mixture points to prosper in a bowl, about 10 minutes into the steam.
】 【French caramel boil egg
milk 125g cream 125g egg yolks two
egg yolk in the mix milk into the cream by adding 40 g sugar (I think that could put a further point, the weight a bit too sweet to eat), cook until the sugar melted into the pot of cooked butter mix in milk,
heat a baking tray and then heat the water,
into the oven, preheat oven to 200 degrees later,
into the mold of milk into the bake about 40 minutes, dissolved, taken out,
Sprinkle sugar on the surface Preheat the oven to maximum temperature,
the egg put it back again,
to the surface of the zoom,
to finished
clam boil egg 【】
ingredients: clams, eggs, green onion Seasoning: salt, wet starch, oil (a little), cooking wine
boil egg approach:
1. clams washed into the water pot (put a little water, wine) Billy to the shell open,
clams in boiling water sloshing drift to the impurities, clams into another bowl.
clam soup into the soup to cook, let Tom down a little bit.
2. eggs, wet starch, salt, broken up, the precipitation had the soup into the egg cooking clams in
(time to slow down, not to precipitate the impurities into) is zoned uniform,
first sprinkle a little chopped green onion, pour a little oil, on a steamer to 6-7 maturity (ie, the top of the egg has not condensed),
code into the egg mixture then in the clams, steamed and then continue.
last thrown into the rest of the chopped green onion and serve.
】 【pumpkin puree boil egg
pumpkin puree, eggs (2), coconut milk (1 / 3 LP) and fine granulated sugar (3 tablespoons).
A: The full whisk eggs and sugar absorption.
II: Add coconut milk, gently mix well.
three: Add the egg mixture in the pumpkin puree, stir carefully.
four: the egg with the pumpkin puree sieve filtration, the taste will be more slippery.
five: the sieve filtration stew pumpkin puree into the egg bowl, with the bite low heat in a microwave oven for 5 minutes until firm and serve immediately.
】 【shrimp eggs, soup
shrimp, scallions, egg, salt, warm water, chicken powder, sesame oil.
1. the shrimp processing clean, just take the shrimp. Knock eggs into the bowl.
2. the eggs and mix, adding a small amount of salt and chicken powder seasoning, salt must be less put, eggs which itself contains a small amount of salt.
3. and then to prepare a cup of warm water (30 degrees), or chicken soup, the warm water into the egg, water and egg ratio of about 2 to 1.
Stir in one direction and then to clean the top of the bubble.
into the egg warm water is best, do not add water and hot water.
because tap water in the air, the water is boiling, the air discharge, custard will appear cellular
quality and taste of custard, nutrition will suffer.
do not use boiling water, otherwise it will become the egg drop soup, so go steaming, nutritional damage, not even the steamed custard.
is best to use warm water or cold water Chawanmushi, this can guarantee the taste, but also to ensure appearance.
the amount of water is also very important, too little will compare the taste of custard tight older, too much custard and easy to shape,
water of taste also.
playing the egg, they do not stir the egg mixture fierce, fierce in the mix before steaming or stir the egg mixture for a long time will make the egg foam,
is best to lay the egg, add water and then stir to break up slightly.
】 【longan boil egg
4 eggs, broth, 3 jobs, peeled 2 tablespoons plain dried longan meat.
system of law:
1, longan meat wash with warm water.
2, take four rice bowls, put a bowl full of water and 6-7 eggs 1 1 / 4 of longan meat, then put the steamer;
steam for 5-8 minutes to eat, such as those who like to eat more sweet, add more sugar in advance.
】 【BRANDIED boil egg breast ancient
raw materials:
eggs (recommended quail eggs.. meow woo local materials.. wolfberry, fermented rice, milk, honey (also brown sugar)
1 boiling water, and then reached the egg, medlar, followed to turn off.
2 into the fermented rice, milk (cold, as honey is served only with warm water, boiling water will lose the original nutrients), add honey to
】 【meat boil egg
two eggs (about 100 grams), 100 grams of meat sauce: rice wine 5 grams, 4 grams of salt, MSG 2 grams, 400 grams of water
system of law:
knock the clean egg bowl, break up into the meat, add salt, rice wine, MSG, water absorbed call with chopsticks.
then stew pot of water boil, then beaten egg with chopsticks whipping about,
into the stew for 10 minutes, that is cooked, remove and serve.
also high fire for 5 minutes with a microwave oven, or cooked, remove and serve.
(if it is stew, egg yolk can not break up, if the egg is best to use the microwave to stir off, or made out of egg yolk stiff)
】 【coffee boil egg
sugar 60ml milk 1 egg yolk a small amount of coffee: 1 cup small mousse
1, egg white and yolk separated.
2, milk heated in a microwave, high fire for 2 minutes
3, hot milk, stir in sugar
4, after the sugar dissolves in the light of the milk into the egg yolk mix
5, Ru Musi pour the milk egg cup, drain 180 ° bake 20 minutes
6, after removing the surface sprinkled with coffee powder, the maximum temperature then bake for 5 minutes
Tips: Before baking, preheat the oven to the highest temperature, so baking time will be faster. Stir milk and egg yolk should be light, not as hard as eggs, can not stir till bubbly.
】 【carp boil egg
raw materials:
2 carp (about 500 grams), 3 eggs, a little ginger, silk, salt amount, amount of vegetable oil, green onion a little, a little wine, a little MSG.
1, the carp washed with water, the fish on both sides plan to spend a few Road oblique knife.
2, beat the eggs, such as soup, the sprinkle with chopped green onion, salt, MSG and set aside.
3, set the fire pan, into the amount of vegetable oil until hot pot of oil, the next the fish, rice wine and ginger, silk and water, moderate
(how much water to the bowl of Bacheng loaded full of eggs, whichever),
Wang with fire, until soup was milky white, turn off the fire and set aside.
4, Whisk the eggs, add soup, then add the fish, cage steam to egg freezing can be.
Note: If the home-style dish, at home no steamer pot, add water in the amount,
soup base pad plate on the water, stir the pot on the fire can be set.
】 【milk fruit boil egg
2 eggs, that is, a box of milk, sugar, fruit.
1, Puncture a hole in the top of the egg, out of egg white, and the remaining egg yolk.
2, take 180 ml of milk and put the right amount of sugar, put the microwave
If they put a little hot, so cooler then.
3, the warm, sweet milk and egg beat until completely homogeneous, skim foam
4, the fruit and mix well 1 / 2 milk poured into the container (because the fruit will float, so the first pour 1 / 2)
5, boiling water and steam for 5 minutes, then pour the rest of freezing a little milk, then steam until set.
6, and then put a few fruit and decorative surface of a small to ok the
【Note】: steaming time to low heat, do not use fire, otherwise it will fail!
been more important to look at the hearth, probably time to go out with a toothpick inserted into to see whether it has completely solidified.
to stew was tender and must be careful and patient.
Finally, the egg yolk and do not waste,
with the remaining approximately 70 ml of milk, the same method to make the yellow boil egg oh ~
】 【Shouwu boil egg
Ingredients: Polygonum 15 grams, 90 grams of chicken, 2 eggs, ginger, salt, MSG, rice wine amount.
1. The first Wu Qiesi into gauze bags sealed, chicken chop Mi, ginger cut into fine, egg bath.
2. First his country to 500 ml of water Simmer for 1 hour, abandoned medicine to stay juice, and chicken, ginger and salt into the eggs, rice wine, MSG appropriate, stir well, cage steam cooked.
】 【Japanese boil egg
crab, shrimp, quail eggs, broccoli, mushrooms, eggs, juice taste good tune
egg and water ratio of 1 to three.
better if the key is to use the soup over low heat steam
Otherwise, uneven surface blistering to look good practices: material gracefully,
into the egg, steamed a few drops of sesame oil to
】 【column steamed eggs
Column 2 1 teaspoon water 1 egg 1 tsp grain, less 1 teaspoon minced ham sauce, sesame oil 1 tsp
1. in order to column flooding in half a cup, add slices, steamed is, the distillation column juice retained. Tear columns, pieces out. 2. Bowl lightly beaten egg (not blisters), to join and play to be the same column juice;
3. part of the column came in the bottom plate, with the egg mixture into the dish, with medium heat one minute, then switch to steam over low heat until firm,
sprinkled grain, ham and dried, and columns, topped with sesame oil and soy sauce can be.
Garlic Egg】 【 microwave food materials:
3 eggs 1 tablespoon garlic Hop Flavors: oil 1 / 2 tbsp 1 / 2 teaspoon MSG 1 / 2 tsp oil 1 / 2 tablespoon cornstarch 1 / 2 tsp
1. egg beaten -> add 1 1 / 2 cup water -> seasonings -> to;
2. add garlic mix -> 24 points to weak microwave steam. (Including security film);
small disability: Egg will use the weak microwave, not to rough.
three-color steamed eggs 【】
1, preferably with a cool white open, if possible, the water temperature at another point when mixed with the egg, the effect will be better.
2, water and egg ratio of 1:1 or the former is a little less.
3, water and egg mixture stirring with a whisk, after all, with chopsticks parallel to the floating foam egg removal clean.
three color steamed eggs raw materials:
eggs two eggs, preserved eggs, a soy sauce salt and chicken powder of a green onion
production methods:
1, follow the above steps will be steamed custard trick lay in after the egg into the plates, and add salt and chicken powder. To be open water in the steamer, porcelain into the steamer.
2, about 5 minutes after steaming, open the steamer lid slightly to see whether egg freezing, and if so, will be preserved eggs and egg cut into pellets or small horn, a gold and carefully placed the egg on the basic semi-solidified .
3, and then continue to steam about three minutes, turn off the heat, but do not immediately flip cover, you can use the warmth the fire two or three minutes stuffy.
4, pot, sprinkle with chopped green onion and your favorite decorations.
5, wok to do hot oil until the oil 8 into the heat off the heat, the hot oil poured on to the green onion.
6, the last drops of the appropriate amount of soy sauce, a delicious three-color eggs done Rights distilled water.
Egg Tomato Rouli 】 【
3 lean meat, eggs, tomato 4 catty little taste of dried material:
little soy sauce powder, sugar and fewer less little pepper sauce:
2 spoons of sugar 2 spoons of tomato sauce 1 cup water 1 tsp cornflour 1 tsp
1. wash tomatoes, stalks, cut into, with;
2. lean meat, wash and dice, add a little flavoring;
3. eggs broken up, add little soy sauce flavor.
4. plus key oil, add Rouli fry until cooked, add egg stir-fry, remove and use.
5. refueling less, until fragrant dried, fried tomato, egg and Rouli, mix juice taste to the juice to the thick disc.
small disability: juice, juice and sugar to join the fan, so to enhance the taste of tomatoes, more delicious.
】 【fragrance Orange Egg
Orange (1), eggs (2) spices: sugar (1 tablespoon)
1. orange wash drying of water, on the chopping block with the palm of your hand gently for 5 minutes.
2. the orange cut in half, pulled out a orange flesh, orange peel made of container.
3. the orange juice into the meat labeled as orange juice machine, filtered pulp residue.
4. eggs into the bowl, add 1 tablespoon sugar, beaten into the egg, mixed with orange juice.
5. were in the egg mixture into the two orange, can be down to eight full.
6. the orange egg mixture into the dish, cover with plastic wrap and set aside.
7. boiling pot of water, orange peel into the egg mixture, cover over medium heat resisting steamed for 10 minutes.
8. Remove the steamed Orange Egg, torn plastic wrap and serve.
1. the proposed purchase of fine oranges, bright color, sweet pulp, large head, thick skin, and the consequences of steamed skin deformation. 2. In order to prevent the Egg too old, could be tapped during the orange rim of Egg is solidified, if the Egg freezing surface, and the sense of without shaking, on behalf of Egg has been cooked.
】 【XO Sauce Egg
6 eggs, 1 tsp, water 750 ml [3 cups], 150 grams of minced meat [5 oz / 4], grain 2 spoons, cornflour sauce 1 parsley with teaspoon of water 1 spoonful of oil 1 tsp XO 4 spoons, pepper less
1. egg and water play, with the fire steamed.
2. with a spoonful of minced meat and fry oil, add grain, sauce, stir-fry until thoroughly, and pour in the Egg, and the coriander. Editor finally over! Bitten by a mosquito, and can starve to death! We would like to thank Feifei Ha!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

15 -year-old girl Lily lettering lower body and breasts were not the people do not look !

 Year-old girl Lily lettering lower body and breasts were happy -
[/ I] [/ I] -
Lily is a horse side County, due to poverty, drop out after primary school. Introduced, Lily came to town, a farm music when the waiter. Here, Lily met with the County's Song Yongqiang. Song Yongqiang, 36, of this sweet and innocent little sister very much like Lily can simply treat him as uncle. Song Yongqiang often work to help Lily, the two gradually conversational up. -
Until one day, Song Yongqiang to declare the love Lily, which can be startled her. Song Yongqiang early at this time there is a de facto relationship with others, there is a 14-year-old child. But the thought of his good usually Songyong Jiang, Lily did not oppose it. -
Soon, Song Yongqiang proposed to work with Lilly to Chengdu. Lily tried to tell their parents, were strongly rejected. However, the repeated encouragement in Song Yongqiang, Lily decided to follow his parents came to Chengdu carrying workers, and Lily's life nightmare began. -
6 27, Song Yongqiang with Lily came to Chengdu, and in group 2 Cuqiao Longjing Village rented a cottage to settle down. Subsequently, Song Yongqiang were looking for a security guard working at the shoe factory, a full 21 years of age difference of two people to live in this together. At first, Song Yongqiang to Lily well being, but wait until after Lily to find a job, the situation slowly changed. -
; -
Lily worked in a restaurant just two or three days, Song Yongqiang they forced her to quit the job. Song Yongqiang told Lily, and now the outside is complex, she was easy to be deceived. In desperation, Lily had to resign. Since then, Song Yongqiang will allow Lilly to stay at home, let her go out looking for work. -
Soon, Song Yongqiang also lost his job, and he more and more suspicious of Lily. As Lily met at work several female friends, Song Yongqiang this enraged, he thought Lily out to To this end, Song Yongqiang Lily started kicking, and since then also out of control. He took off the mask of love and care for Lily, Lily often blows. -
8 31 morning 11 am, two friends came to Lily to play, when people come Cuqiao 3 a square, Lily's back was a quick photo a bit. She turned to look, see is distorted Song Yongqiang goes on in the face with anger, she scared to say a word. Song Yongqiang Lily stared fiercely that the two boys one side, then took her back home, Lily's nightmare began. -
back to that small rented room, pointing to Lily Song Yongqiang cursed them, the more he scolded the more air smoothly to the Lily of two ears, out. Jiehen's Song Yongqiang still do not know where to took out a blade, and Lily tightly pressed on the bed. At this point, Lily did not know what he wants, until the Song Yongqiang blade toward Lily's face severely scratched or two later, a huge pain screamed aloud to Lily. -
Song Yongqiang in the end how much planning tool. Lily's voice, also called dumb, can not stand her pleading:
; -
Lily has become the weak point of a slaughtered lamb, the blood streaming down her face down, she began to feel pain. -
then, has completely lost the Song Yongqiang Lily's clothes torn frantically in her chest, carved a At this time, Lily has no ability to call for help, she could only let the Song Yongqiang mercy. Then, Song Yongqiang and blue ink coating syrup and neutral handwriting in the blood was dry, the ; [/ I] [/ I] -
Song Yongqiang seemed satisfied. Song Yongqiang fell down until exhausted to sleep, Lily Huoshaohuoliao only feel myself the pain. -
next day, woke up for the night Song Yongqiang seems to feel guilty about their atrocities, he Samsam tried and Lily talk. Lily stared blankly in bed, staring the ceiling, feeling the pain made her unable to eat a little something. Subsequently, Song Yongqiang left the temporary accommodation. -
night, when Song Yongqiang got home is covered with the alcohol, At this point, Song Yongqiang eyes had been burned the flame of jealousy and suspicion red. When that song again gleaming blade hands, Lily could not help shaking up. Lily did not so react, Song Yongqiang pulled it off her pants, her by the bed, the mouth is also not allowed to fight threat to Lily, and even not allowed to move move, otherwise he would kill her. Next, Song Yongqiang with a blade on the lettering in Lily's thighs, first the left thigh, then on the right thigh, knife knife, the blood all over the floor. Finally, the complete loss of human Song Yongqiang even in the moment Lily of the lower body but also words. -
Lily piercing cry, do not get any response. Song Yongqiang done it all, Lily had fainted with pain. When she woke up, Song Yongqiang been kneeling in front of her: Lily at this time on the bloody thigh, lower body pain is also very. Suddenly, Song Yongqiang again angry, he cried to go find that the two Lily's friends. Subsequently, Song Yongqiang out of the house. Song Yongqiang seeing the figure disappeared, Lily suddenly wake up, this time, she also attend to anything with, hurried out to run from temporary accommodation. Then Lily went to call their friends to play, and in the company of friends, came to the local police station .-
; -
case attracted great attention the police station. At 3 pm, when the case came to police investigation and group 2 Song Yongqiang Longjing Village rental housing, he was asleep. In the room, police also seized a large number of detonators. Song Yongqiang said it was he was ready to die for and Lily's. -
yesterday afternoon, the reporter saw police station in the Cuqiao Lily. After it experienced a disaster, this girl has a pair of beautiful eyes, it is extremely numb, only her face visible scars in that round after round of 15-year-old girl tells of the torture had been subjected. -
When asked Lily who know your word is carved Song Yongqiang, Lily first, nodded, and then they gently shook his head. She said she knew the words on the chest, thighs and lower body The words do not know. -
According to the police station Cuqiao Instructor Xieshou Liang, due to the Lily do not want to return to temporary accommodation, and her face is also very sympathetic, she received a police voluntarily homes of their own. Xie instructor also said that in the case after completion of the investigation, police will actively with relevant departments to contact for proper placement of the Lily. The Song Yongqiang was Danghuo confessed their atrocities. Currently, Song Yongqiang criminal detention by the police, the case is still under investigation. -
dialogue articles -
Lily: I have been when he is the uncle -
Reporter: Do you know why he do this? -
Lily: He said I stole one. -
Reporter: What do you have betrayed him? -
Lily: no. Anyway, he saw me talking with another man would hit me. -
Reporter: After the end of things are you going home? -
Lily: Do not go back. -
Reporter: Why? -
Lily: do not want parents to worry. -
Reporter: Do you know these words may not wash it? Do you know a girl, means? -
Lily: ... ... (silence, stop crying) -
Reporter: Do you love him? -
Lily: I have been when he is the uncle. -
Song Yongqiang: She repeatedly
Reporter: Why did you do lettering on her? -
Song Yongqiang: I was drunk, and afterwards I am very sorry, I apologize to her knees. -
Reporter: Are there other reasons? -
Song Yongqiang: She betrayed me, and not once, many times. -
Reporter: Do you feel younger than you and the 21-year-old girl feelings between the love? -
Song Yongqiang: I love her ; ; ; ; ; [/ I] [/ I] -
, wearing sandals on her feet all I bought for her. -
Reporter: What do you think she loves you? -
Song Yongqiang: ... ... (become anxious, saying his body very difficult subject, not an interview) -
your mind after reading this post a little shocked not it? ? ? ! ! ! -
When I first saw this post, I feel sad as a woman, it just such a person out of his own mental making. society countries do not take the appropriate measures to prevent the occurrence of such incidents. frequent similar events, but in order to combat such incidents after the event advertised to enhance their ~~-
community full of longing, I currently have, but still too realistic! -
- < / p>
read this diary, is not reproduced in less than a day, dead father, dead mother died the family, ancestors being dug graves on behalf of 80! If reproduced, a week after your loved one will love you!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Friends , forgive me for getting less to the greeting.

 Friends, forgive me for getting less to the greeting. There is a feeling, not strong, but there has been.
We can not always around,

not like the phone message,

the first time we can not share their happiness and unhappiness, / p>

seem to have become the cold silence,

We can not go to dinner together talking and laughing,

out of each other's world as a,

we can work together, to struggle together with the test,

seems now gone completely out,

we no longer have a small conflict is no longer laughing so brazenly, p>

less around what seemed to but not less important, / p>

together we can make a mistake with the cry,

seems immature bird belongs to the past,

like mottled green, leaving only the memory of the years,

we have a new life,

new environment with new friends,

we are faced with something new, a new stay by the around us, sharing our joys and sorrows.

sometimes think,

think once we,

Sometimes a long list of long list of small items will be brought back memories

about you, about us,

the sentence even remember clearly,

then laugh at the trouble,

time to change anything,

fact, nothing,

time for us from the past to the present,

dilute the memories, is also not take away memories.

Dear you,

grateful to meet you,

with me a long way through it,

naive I was immature at that time I met one by one Hom,

that you accompany me to grow, do not leave me.


all in different places, different environments.



no contact.

but the space of each update, the album changes every time.

a sign change in each,

affects all of our hearts,

because of this, I know.

far you, good or bad, happy or unhappy.

; not always accompany.

; that feelings are no longer strong.

; may occasionally think of feel alone.

If one day,

we meet again,

good friends,
good sister who,
the same table You,
all that had not changed.

I would like this document to you is not around.

engraved in the memories.

walked the streets holding hands with me will not forget! !

There is a feeling, not strong, but there has been.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Free , the game has to the community

 Related: Mr. Chen is no longer a game called Legend of the direction of e-commerce is a big article in
several key sentences extracted
Obviously a lot longer than the game demand become the star of the community is to see whether the user has created a community-driven development assistance (such as forums, post a good, post more people)
contribution to the user community can be directly converted into a vanity to meet user visibility and influence. This is an important feature of the community.
the game? the game at least for now, this transformation is not so obvious, the user is going through a lot of time to enhance the level of interaction with the NPC, access to advanced equipment and get access to the vanity of fame and then met. But the operation made by the user, role in promoting the whole game is extremely limited.
2, virtual communities, life is clearly much longer than the game above the
said that the reason that virtual communities can be relatively long life, is the user interactivity and communities generate a virtuous cycle between the two. and the game, especially now that the online game, this is too weak.
3, demand The new gimmicks to attract customers.
but it has a premise that the user is willing to play in this environment to keep going.
4, virtual communities and online games a fundamental difference between virtual communities
is literate and can in development, continuous improvement, supplement, develop their own culture. and online games, there is no culture, or that his culture is to be specified (that is, the game plan in the ; game world view br>.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Moving the game to listen to the theme song , sung classical melody

 Moving the game to listen to the theme song, sung classical music as the melody
games an integral part of the game, the game atmosphere in contrast to increase the player has a sense of substitution of other art forms can not replace the role of the game in an increasingly international world, music can go beyond the constraints of different voice, or the excitement of the game, or soft music can faithfully convey the atmosphere of the game to the players. Compared with the game's background music by singers of the game has a good theme song sung nature, can give gamers left a deeper impression. Maybe a lot of games have gradually disappeared from view, as superficial, and very few people to go back to the game will further the process of moving the game but the theme song that was able to remain forever in the hearts of a corner.
some games you may have forgotten, but some songs are memorable, some games maybe you just starting out with, but those wonderful theme song will make you sigh sigh, classic game theme song is to have the magic of this charming, can break through the boundaries of time.
recall has been ceased operations in mainland China's online game , took a year, production costs tens of millions of the same name game soundtrack to a Korean theme song sang the song , listening to music you can truly experience the perfect piece of dream-like world.
CCR production development vast cosmic background of SF MMORPG game, Fantasy art reflects the world view of Marxism Marxism and science fiction, the theme song of this online bring you a first-class listening experience. Even in normal times, you can quietly listen to the song, melodious voice as clear and refreshing stream flowing through the heart, everything will melt away fatigue fatigue.
I think many people have heard from the interpretation of Faye Wong's as if a bunch of bright sunshine into the heavy darkness, earthly troubles laugh, melodious flutes sounded, so the listener's heart free to fly up.
for the listener is the feeling of shock.
Armored Ⅱ: Other Side of Good and Evil The soundtrack album included the Japanese version of the theme song style lovely fresh, soft and smooth melody, the singer's gentle voice moving people can not help but be deeply moved.
wonderful addition to the above theme song, there are many other classic game songs are very good, such as the Utada sang the the existence of a more wonderful, and the player's heart is closer to the game theme song let us know that not only can play games, listen to, but also can be used to enjoy singing songs.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Comprehensive Interpretation of female masturbation techniques

 According to Hite report, American women masturbation the following six basic ways:
first, supine, hand stimulation of the clitoris and vulva area. Most women in this manner, accounting for sixty-three%.
second, lay on hand to stimulate the clitoris and vulva area. use this method accounted for 5.5 percent of women.
third category, the clitoris and vulva area against the soft material the pressure and friction, accounting for four per cent.
fourth category, rhythmic squeezing the legs and together accounted for three per cent.
fifth category, the clitoris and the vulva area with water , accounting for two per cent.
sixth class, with your fingers into the vaginal friction substandard materials, using the least number of women in this way, accounting for only 1.5 percent.
the remaining eleven percent women, the use of the sixth class and above in any of five ways and
one hand refers to the skills
single, multi-finger gently until the whole hand began rubbing the genital area, and then gradually move to more specific areas such as the inner surface of the labia, the outside, inside the vagina and the clitoris. clitoris particularly sensitive, if the stimulus too fast, too rude, it will only bring discomfort to women. If you have discomfort, leave this region, such as to achieve sexual arousal and then return to re-stimulate the clitoris, but be sure to remember the gentle movement from the very beginning, followed the increasing intensity of stimulation. actions do not remain unchanged, and can move up and down can be even circled to experience their own unitary is the best way to stimulate the speed and intensity.
many women find that touch their anal region may be very comfortable, if a finger or other safety items such as oscillators inserted into the anus, then we must remember, After removing the fingers must be clean and the items can be inserted into the vagina and then, or would bacteria into the vagina, can easily lead to infection of the vagina.
breast and nipple is very sensitive to the touch, can bring you a lot the fun. experience a different way of stroke, squeeze, or Rouan. You can also stroke the breast with one hand, freeing the other hand moved the genitals.
can try a different position, stand, supine, prone, lateral, sit, free your imagination. to the scene with a certain visual stimuli, such as myself and others when watching a naked image of a large mirror to observe the reaction partners, or look at some of the visual image or video.
not forget the role of pubic hair, touch, rub or gently involved can produce emotional feelings. way to stimulate an enhanced sense of know-how is to use oil or massage lotion. but do not use added colors or perfume chemical substances because they tend to have irritating, so the best lubricant should be odorless, colorless, non-chemical activity of the composition of inert material.
two other techniques
addition to using both hands, you can also use other items to help myself and others. to name a few typical examples:
- When the prone position with a pillow between his legs, legs firmly clamped to a pillow to squeeze the clitoris. You can also use a hot water bottle However, the temperature should be comfortable Caixing.
- from the shower water pressure, allowing water to directly impact on the genital area.
- use the oscillator to stimulate breast and genital area, but also rely on the energy vibration objects, such as washing machines.
- some women approach taken by clamping the legs to get sexual pleasure, or keep alternating contraction and relaxation of pelvic muscles.
oscillator has become increasingly fashionable tools, United States 40% of women used the oscillator, to the user provides additional scope of sexual pleasure. Some are not sexual intercourse by the pleasure and female orgasm help in the success of the oscillator to obtain orgasm. oscillators can give women provide their height in the draw and need strong and sustained stimulation. Their advantage is that users can work permanently under control. oscillators in a single hand-held parts of the body to a stimulus at the same time, another one hand still free to stimulate other body parts. like using their fingers, as in the use of the oscillator directly stimulate the clitoris, also easily lead to discomfort, pants or clothing across the stimulus may feel better, you can also use some oscillator package soft materials, sometimes extra fun.
some women at the beginning of the oscillator or the use of the negative attitude some hesitation: . or sexual partner, it will not interfere with future relationships. it brings about changes only enhance your ability to achieve sexual gratification of self, for you to open up a new safe and effective way of sexual pleasure. It can also be in with a partner time as an auxiliary tool for love.
massage for the use of alternating current, or oscillator, be sure to water when in use to avoid accidents. For small battery-powered DC oscillator, used to pay attention to the vagina or anus the potential to cause serious injury when.
III, the conclusion of: masturbation and self-esteem
If you or your body not like it, it is hard to give yourself sexual pleasure, or something else. Since entertainment depends on your positive feelings and fully relax. If you feel worthy to accept the fun or just to give pleasure to accept other people, then stop to take psychological adjustment of the ways to keep yourself fully loose, to seek the help of friends, the establishment of the correct concept of sex as soon as possible out of this for psychological disorder. to improve self-confidence and overcome the psychological state of inferiority is to adjust the main objective, the only way to progress and masturbation training to bring real gains to the people and help

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

TLBB playing experience and upgrade crescent

 I Langyashan 80 small crescent do not know what to do. I used to be Wan Chuanqi. There a lot of numbers, which are mostly 40 --- 50. However, after in no end. have time to play SF.
Contact Now TLBB, feel more fresh, I asked what number rattle when I practiced. He gave me a command that is crescent, with the legend that is the same as priests inside. I like the mage and warrior career. I really do not want to practice, but no way to embark on the crescent of the road. started basically and my colleagues to do the task with a large sub-text to Shaguai. and then rattle Cliff took us two to go to the tomb. feel the experience of the tomb relatively high. But always being killed, my enemy in every day to refresh the list.
One time I asked a man to kill me, why kill me. He said that because you are crescent. I said, how the crescent. to because I am a crescent to kill me it! He said you said it. I wonder! really want to give up, but the quack told me that you get to a certain level on the cow. but the result is not the last to the ancient Tomb of leveling. because the high level of more. old to kill me. Then I can only pay for the baby brush and started when I was 10, started the sale of several J, in the end I started the sale of several hundred J. Lastly is the the sale of thousands of J. earned a lot of money. Basically, I set all my 80 earned, there is a single brush of the baby and YB ==. is good. I am now wearing a set of 80 + stars Wudang crescent sets of shoes and a small belt + ring. Recently I was engaged in the blood increases in clothing and JP do artifact. My Heart is too garbage. to 2 60. the other is 50. so mad I want to snack method. This is not easy to die.
final training Emei is about feelings, feelings leveling and PK. early are more depressed. late is better than 80 points after. not easy to die. team's too much. basically on the brush 7 and the whole run, the experience is more and more. Brush seven experience of more than 60 million (double), all running about an experience of a 30W, doing also the experience of 210 million.
there is single brush is also good. I feel external work and internal strength of the single brush are similar (to crescent is). because I handle a single brush your baby a lot. Waigong blood points. internal strength of the monster DOT than external work a little more. But Look what you mind. the next, and we discuss the single brush your baby's skills, play, and how to choose a single brush your baby.
last child and my sense of Xietai Wen Yan Yan, and my little apprentice master quack. Oh, forgot to say. the poor to baby boy Do not go yet. I also baby boy took me 20 minutes to more than 7000 YB. because I was 5 until a 2100 + book also 75 bird, the character is smart. earned a lot. Finally about to lie down. depressing dead. but I now turned over. hey ......

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

KartRider the national costume, hanbok large comparison which is better!

 KartRider the national costume, hanbok large compared with national service which better

in March 2006 of the day, the success of China's century-day beta of the city developed a NEXON Korea Casual Games: Kart (China called KartRider). Kart officially open the market in the Chinese game industry, but the city is relying on agents century days of outstanding performance in 2006, won one fell swoop,
I was in February when the Kart is still closed beta play, the characters are the usual Q-NEXON, and BNB a mold, the first Chinese car to drift in the Q version of the game. and then the beta, I was the account was registered in May, when I first play after the Kart beta, it is already far different as before, and made me surprised that someone actually opening practice run so fast car, the original game has hung up - .-
when I met the players, a series high with hanging, I asked him: answer made me surprised: I doubt century to the present day in the city is not never thought about why the agency has been using the plug-in games, BBS grievances in one, set up a special customer service forum posts external reporting professionals, what's the use? If comparative investigation hanging harsh words, there will not be such a scene of it today!
plug-in is not nearly what the room can be met?
more, casual games to get to brush this experience, what 81 of you, double- is open, not the baby's not into friends. experience a variety of brush techniques abound. A casual game is worth so their lives do, casual games, mainly leisure followed by the game, do not understand such a simple truth What?
personal feeling of the gold system debugging dress well, many people bought the car this month next month, no money to buy the car, with the RMB to buy the car and too expensive, no choice but to open trumpet forced to run money, lead to a vicious cycle hhh the game environment, many players believe that national service has run the money devoted to the trumpet! a lot of players started a search for new Kart World (Korean clothing) and a new online games or choose.
Beyond dress after the plug inside the phenomenon of more and more crazy Kart, I have transferred to the Korean dress hhhh
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I was not the first to be the national dress of the external force transferred to the Korean services of the players, when I time into the Korean dress, I have seen our Chinese players have gloves, the level of the Blue Star ......( really admire! another: bought a baby certainly no less hh) we quite patriotic Chinese the vast majority of people, when creating the ID did not forget to add in front of a CHN, CN, China! brush Hanbok has experience, but at least I learned from the first day of play hanbok has never seen the phenomenon of using the plug-in .
Hanbok Kart has run into a more mature stage, and there are many kinds of maps, props race is the next level. money and experience system is relatively perfect, almost two to three weeks will engage in an activity are more use of props, limited prizes like cars, and often experienced, gold award activity ...... and we dress at this time but the temptation to blindly point out players RMB to buy things to spend the activities of South Korea is not a hh
were all refined ~ ~ Korean hh have poor quality of many cases in fact, they cursed us with the Republic of Korea, but we just do not understand me ~~~~~~ know what they call me, but do not have to care about do not understand ~!
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He begins with a few Korean that and smarter, they will use the letters spelling cao ni ma, sb, ni ma bi like the curse words, also said China boy is bad!, ni hao, zhun bei, hehehh whether good or bad, in China Before people did not go to Korean dress, I believe they will not say it ..... the Church of the Korean Chinese people some good things, with the attendant also taught some bad habits.
low-quality people who: < br> [img] [/ img]
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It is reported that China has a lot of go-kart for the players stationed in hanbok, Korean players curse for the Chinese players, kicking for no reason, network card The factors such as dissatisfaction and resentment. However, such resentment has been recently upgraded with time, Han Guoguan network and most of the karting website voices against the Chinese players come and go, players urged South Korean companies not kill NEXON Chinese players (check ID) !!
loyal players as a go-kart, the Han Chinese to the service of each player say something, the game is fun for people, not for people to vent, kick and curse more can not show you the character of the so-called We need to really live in civilized game environment!! in Korean clothing, no plug, have a good game environment, which for us is a game heaven! If you still come to their senses, then hanbok ban Chinese players I am afraid that sooner or later thing!! hope that all Chinese players really improve the game behavior, civilization, games, and uncivilized behavior that NO! of uncivilized behavior say NO! In this I sincerely hope that the majority Han Chinese players to regulate self-serving behavior, in order to maintain a civilization harmony of the game environment, and even more to the Chinese players remain in the hanbok reasons, please make a civilized gamers!!
I'm not sage, the above ideas represent some of my personal views, Chi Road Please ignore the different players!!