Monday, April 11, 2011

Master Haitao about the true story of retribution killing

 Master Haitao about the true story of retribution killing

Speaker: Hai-Tao Master

Source: Extract from the Long Beach Master
first, do not kill.

my fifth grade, I lived in Tamsui, Taipei side, we have three students, one surnamed Zheng, a name is Chen, the three of us live together after class to go to the Danshui River Edge crab, crab it caught up and put it broken foot, so happy, so let it drop to the last stone dead, the end of play today. After three comes to an end, on the way home, the two of them walking in the gravel roads, I walked in the grass beside the dike, the results I walk in the grass over there, go, go, go ... .... Hey! How in front of a rope so pretty. I'll catch it, catch the results of what? Snakes, very spooky! I was shocked! Throw put the snake out, it did not bite me, the snake away. The results I get angry, put the stone to get up and threw the snake 向那 support, but not throw. The results of the students next to me, also surnamed Chen told me that: hit the snake beat to death if the evening will find you. I asked him to help fight: Yeah with you to help fight. He also told me the results said: hit the snake fight VII, I thought the heart. Come play with two of them, so the three of thunder rattled, the snake fight is flat. Great sense of accomplishment, Advantage and go home.

you think this thing over? I thought it was over. No end ah!

you, the grandparents die, why worship? Why should we worship? Because he has the afterlife ah. Do not you want him salvation ghost ah! We all believe that the person has died the afterlife. Ladies and gentlemen, a dog, an ant, a snake, dead, there is no afterlife? There? There Oh. Oh, one hundred percent. But we did not know. After I killed the snake, Advantage and back.

this matter over a year and a half, I read on the semester of junior high school. One time, I have two brothers - one two years older than me, I'm a big one year old - and my older brother to an orange, I do not know what to call him, he was very angry, brother has never been a fight, I brother took me up the wall, pushed to the wall with his hand has been playing, has been pounding, pounding my chest, pounding the same position, hammer into his hands, bones cracked, and he screams, he knew he bones crack. At that time I have forgotten the pain, but it is very painful. Night my mother came back, the two do not dare to speak, said to hit the wall, he would go to the hospital, I went to the hospital. I'm from that time - the pain start junior high school students. Pain to the old? Pain to thirty years old. As long as an angry, as long as one for optimism, including my parents fight, I have pain. Every time I'm in pain, I am very sad to see my big brother, so he rarely talked to me, he is guilty.

this matter but I do not know why. I want to become a monk until the month before, I have a friend with negative eyes, he is not Buddhist, but with negative eyes, people see God, he saw a ghost, he was very unlucky ah. Once, I went to his side, I want to say I want to become a monk, but I have a lot of Buddhist books to get over there, I want to say I can not go after, because I want to become a monk was. He was not quite right, he psychic Well, not quite correct. But the psychic can see some things ahead.

he told me:
I said:
He said:
I said:
He said:
he began to talk about my pain. Ouch! I find it very strange. Anyway, I must be a pain, something I will, he began to talk about my pain. He gave me about, and he said you do not know, he asked me:
I said:

he told me:
you, Oh, this world is six reincarnation. Road to hell, ghosts, beasts, this is called the three evil paths. Usually people say the world: salvation, salvation to hope that our grandma and grandpa, leaving hell, ghosts, beasts, the three bitter. Sam Sun said: god Road, the Jade Emperor, God; people, we are human; there is a Asura Road. This is called three good way, and happier. What Jiao Shura? He is not god, he belongs to God and demons, between the gods but he has blessings, but he will get angry, the Jiao Shura, and also the is the good way, no pain. Man, any animal, are still reincarnation after death, including the gods, the gods have life, even reincarnation of his dead. Then we become a monk doing? You know? The purpose of our monks, is to try to get rid reincarnation. So you have not heard of the cycle of life and death? There, the cycle of life and death. The cycle of life and death. Edge is to cut off aid to students will not die. Their remaining there to die. Students come from, you know? Why are you reborn? Why do you people, you know? ... ...

Well, we talk about back it up.

pain in my chest, my friends say to me like this, I finally know that, because I have no reason that a snake was killed later, it is just inside the ghost reincarnated six. If it is reincarnated to do the snake, it sees up to bite me I bite; do if it reincarnated dog, because I killed it, it will bite me, into knot bad pratyaya. But it is just reborn mischief, it attached to me, looking for my trouble, take revenge. How revenge? To China in the first grade, my brother, I just talked to a little thing, has been playing I have been playing me, so my friend told me, that ghost right hand attached to your brother, because I had is that with the right hand throwing brickbats and a snake, I lost it a few stones, it's right hand with my brother, this reaction, a few hammer hammer in my chest, pounding his hand cracked, and he himself did not know, So I turned into internal injuries.

this very simple principle of chest pain in twenty years, I finally know. After I know, I knelt down, and he helped me get over there salvation, that does not work, I knelt down, I kneel on the concrete floor, I thought the snake in front of me, I simply asked kowtow, I I'm sorry it: I do not know you have pain, I do not know that I kill you after you become so painful, I also pain, I kowtow to you, I lost you a few stone, I told you a few head knock, knock to place my head swollen bleeding. When I finished the first knock, I can send a wish: I absolutely do not kill life today; I definitely do not get angry today. At that time I just want to become a monk, and I made this wish. At that time I only read the Heart Sutra of Buddhism, I also read some back to the Heart Sutra. When I stood up, the entire chest of a change of ice, from that day until now, I have not had pain in the second.

you, for me, a little true story, but the impact of decades of my chest pain, because only kill a snake. Awful? Terrible!

you, shock education ah! Baptism!

we caught a fish that kill you all right, all right playing mice. I have a friend like a year at least half the year in cough, cough ... ... cough cough ah finish, how doctors are not available, traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine, what doctors are doctors secret. Once the chat is still with me cough, he said to me:
I said:
I said:
He said: like drowning rats, the rats in the cage to put it into the water, dead rats do not look, do not let's use it, but then told to give it down to, so every mice die because of not breathing, drowned , so the secular newspaper. His throat every day, cough cough cough ... ... die to live. Ladies and gentlemen, do not terrible? terrible!

I say this not scare you, but the Buddha to protect our hope that each of us lives long and healthy life, life health and longevity, do not kill life, or do the taking of life in the industry. For example, your home in the chicken, duck, might be making money, but you have to understand, students, and Song of Life!

people, dogs. - Ladies and gentlemen, you raise a dog person, or else you eat dog meat to eat? Do not ah, because dogs have feelings. If you like the TV movies had a pet pig, you eat meat you eat do not eat? Do not, ah, because pig is so cute. People are so cute you know it do not eat it; but you do not love it, you'll grasp it to eat. But the fact of life, the same life, no matter no matter how Ye Hao dogs, cats Ye Hao, will it hurt? You pull off the cockroaches feet, will it hurt? Is really hurt. When you hold the hook in the fish, I now take the hooks catch in your mouth, hard to give you drag, you will not be very terrible, very painful? Therefore, we Chinese say: Do unto others, do not impose on others. Others have behaved, do not do to living beings. Because you hurt him, is hurt yourself. Today, I tell you about one of the most simple principle, not to dominate the fate of religion, not feng shui, geography, character, with the number of all does not matter, you do not superstition. Own destiny in your mind driven behavior, behavior driven by the will, this is called together industry, the utilities industry, we call the Buddhist cause and effect. Cause and effect, karma, is the master of your destiny, but also because of this, students! Do remember that the Buddha's love.

students, you find that there are not many people in this world in the vegetarian ah? Yes. You may not be vegetarian, but you know like, you know that, hey, Grandma had a vegetarian because of compassion, for the life of equality, do not want to kill life. When we Chinese people are vegetarian, you know? Like yesterday, July 15, fifteenth of each month, or who started the day the moon successfully on behalf of moral perfection, love and perfection, so that one day the grandparents vegetarian. That our children are vegetarian, and why? Vegetarian because we do good deeds, to commemorate the grandparents, and give thanks to Mom and Dad. What it means. Who started fifth, to do good day, speak good words a day, not angry, and even not to kill animals, do not eat meat, so eat one day, to develop caring, but also to increase the health of their own lives.

So, first, do not kill.

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