Wednesday, May 25, 2011

177 masterpieces condensed into 177 words !

1, the real temperament of the lady, never show off everything she has, she did not tell anyone what she had read books, been to where, how many pieces of clothing, jewelry bought anything, because she got. If you love a person the original, inner sour, but will not speak, sweet, most people that listen to the irrelevant. Weddings are a happy marriage does not mean that two people live together for life or not, and dinner on several seats, the number of jewelry no association. Maintain a vast distance, occasional, paid tribute to the eyes of love, Qingqiao gentle, far-fetched to ask: Love ... ... is another matter entirely. I find myself, I was my home. The. . Defamation was worthless, others will flat out of gas, not jealous. Love like a flower with the bottle, can not maintain a permanent life. not too much is always followed, except that conservation can make a person learning more sensible to deal with these problems calmly analyze it. Fortunately, the unfortunate, at least I sleep like a pig. will not help. Do not listen to the words of embarrassment, certainly do not see ugly people. Or to do difficult things, love should not love. lose the opportunity to go astray. So non-self is not. He did not want people to know, do not say, you do not let him say that he would die of Xinyang, so friends have done all lending ears, the other, who cares! If you do not love, then a lot of money, if the two are not, have health is good. . Along the way, I do not want to pick up many things. When I met I really want when the bag is full already. have no impact on the party life, where workers explained. Women are wishful thinking, always expanding, whether at the beginning of a night of joy, or cohabitation, or every field for Xing, in the end always hopes to be a lifetime of very few truly chic women, they always attempt to men What scraped. sets unreasonable, the original, is embarrassing, but often work. Educated women about everything demeanor, even the only weapon is lost, and allow social mercy. When you ask a woman like a woman, ask yourself a few images man! by the hand to mouth, hard life, how many people say his work is the cause? . You can, we can, so people are surviving. no more than because no one for support. Things to do completed, after which little act, so everyone is not enough time. every day seems to join in the sand, the slowly grinding action, Pipoxueliu apart from the valuable experience of the product obtained in the general population is smooth. Unconsciously, we are not slaves to do the feelings that cause Bipu. Will be buried too deeply emotional and sometimes a bad thing. If a woman to cover up the man of their own feelings of love, she may have lost his chance. Understanding of their ignorance of the world's most reliable method. To be or not, this is a question worth considering. If people talk openly against God, it is hard to deal with anyone. Do you think I am poor, plain no feelings? I swear to you, if God gives me wealth and beauty, I will let you not leave me, like I can not leave you. Although God did not do so, we are still in the spirit of equality. Adults are bad, God is testing them to do, you do not test, do you think children should live. Only the men and women as horses, riding in them exhausted, to the station on the left, so you can reach the peak of desire. I just want to prove something, that is, when the devil tempted me, and later told me that I have no right to go that way, because I'm a louse, and all the rest of the same. You see, Sancho. Pansha friends, there appeared more than thirty large surprising giant. I do not want you suffering more than me by the still large, Heathcliff. I only wish us never to be parted: If I have a word distress you hereafter, think I feel the same distress underground, and for my own sake, forgive me! Happy family is the same, each have their own unhappy family is different. Oh, slave-like Italian, you mourn the Inner Challenge, you do not storm the boat coxswain, you are no longer provincial housewife, but brothel! Good people in spite of a loss in the pursuit, they will eventually realize there is a right track. Ringing a bell and cry and cry ... ..., quiet and serene, even in women who do a good month of the bride, the bells are always there with a taste of autumn. A person is not born to be defeated, and you shall wipe them out, but I could not beat him. Of course, the line is the line, this is all very well, but do not be silly come out of any trouble ah. Bread! Bread! We want bread! I never loved the world, its same for me. Love should give a sense of freedom, rather than being imprisoned. Storms will be in that day, and even some oak trees blown down, some of the church tower to collapse, some of the palace will be shaken! Ridiculed his actions attracted the most people, but it is always the first person to say bad things about others. Then a spiritual feeling old, that life is a sob, sobs and smiles, and accounted for most of them sobbing. History and heroic deeds of love, but also condemned the consequences of such deeds. The next half a day, people are let suet balls to think. But was always called her She wanted to pull down a position like that, so she understood his position is still knocking copy? If winter comes, can spring be far behind? I see, I have found the existence of the answer, the answer to my nausea, my whole life's answers. In fact, I understand all things can be attributed to the fundamental absurdity of things. Some of the world have such happy people, they themselves turned into the happiness of others suffering, they buried their cries of hope in the earthly, it becomes a seed, grow flowers and perfume, as the wretched of the comedown healing. When Gregory. Samu Sha woke up from a restless dream, found his bed into a giant flea. Match exactly come off as real to the dream posted on our long-term, it covers a dream, and it is mixing, as the two together into one the same as the graphics overlay. Between people, the most painful thing for your goodwill and friendship that deserves a place, but it annoyance and damage suffered. Now I say, you should pay special attention to listen to: people who exist in the minds of others, is the human soul. This is your own, is your sense of his life are breathing, nutrition, and even intoxicating thing, and this is your soul, your immortality and exist in someone else of your life. Virtue as of incense, the incense burning, or squeezing its Aegis destroyer, the most revealing cover bad luck and bad luck can best reveal German virtues. Dear Aini Si, I go abroad, to love you, I stay in a foreign country, to love you, I came back, but to love you! Who are often forced to make love more core, and can never ask them to change their mind. Common sense in all things, love can not change or stop it, because in nature, the love will burn itself out, any trick to make it difficult for reversal. If you are a swan eggs, is born in the chicken farm has nothing to do. To speculative market skills, the sophistication of the value will always be unparalleled. We have experienced a sudden fall in life, all unsuspecting, just as an actor into the first row. If the first rehearsal for life is life itself, that life worth? He discovered a great law of human behavior that he did not know - that is, an adult or child to make a certain kind of wanted to do something great, just trying to put that making things easy to come on line. To have faith, death is the door to eternal life. There is a legend, says there is a bird which sings just once in its life, that song all the creatures all over the world are more beautiful sounding song. After leaving life, he returned to his birth on that land. From small to large, he has been the place of the witnesses. Keep in touch with God is one thing, they all agree with this, but let God twenty-four hours have to stay around is another matter. In sweet dreams, everyone is equal, but when the sun rises, the struggle to survive re-start, between people and how inequality. Development of mineral resources of human intelligence is ultimately up to the trouble to bring the. Place away from your closer, the farther the road; most simple tone, require the most difficult exercises. Sad people especially sensitive. Women often fail in front of me is because I love them to pieces. She opened wide the eyes of a pair of despair, watching her lonely life. She was like a shipwrecked sailor, as in the hazy horizon, distant look for traces of white sail. I hear America singing, I heard a variety of carols. If you can make your heart always admire the marvelous daily life, and your's alone will not reduce the pain in your joy, you have to take your heart-day seasons, as you often take from the field through the four seasons. Now I live in Pollards villas, can not find a little dust, did not put a thing was not a place, other than us, no one else here, we die. Sun rising, the dew on the fields quickly without a trace. Genji pain life is a dream, like the morning dew in general, even more despair. Characteristics of those ordinary crimes but no really confusing, like - a homely person most difficult to identify - like. You have built a small pond inside the house it? In that small pond, you can always observe the aquatic life in every piece. Do not spit to the well, perhaps you will drink the well water. I saw the various ethnic groups hostile to each other, and silently, ignorance, stupidity, the willing, the innocent in killing each other. I see the world's most clever invention of weapons and minds are still writing articles, making it all the hostility and killing more subtle, more durable. The face reflected in the mirror with the morning snow in the face as flushed. In Shimamura view, this is between fantasy and reality, between the another color. One need only have the will, to transcend his environment. Stand to suffer the pain than to persuade people is a very easy thing to do. Simply can not understand the feelings of a rational reason. On all the good things for us, except to use, there is no other benefits. Whenever the sun goes down, I sat in the old pier on the river, overlooking the vast sky above New Jersey, I felt as if some virgin land, all the way, all the people are incredible to the west coast. Now I know that in Iowa, the boys always kept the noise disturbance, as is the land so that they can not be calm. Before with the law, in line with God we used to all kinds of things, is to use it to replace the well-being. Even if a person lived only one day, no difficulty can live in prison one hundred years. Climb it, more than making money right into the upper class, where ready for everything. School can not add wisdom. Whether I live or I die, I have been a gadfly, happy flying. A man to bet his entire life is in the not a man, but a male creature. The family history is a cycle, unable to stop the machine, is a turning of the wheel, this gear, but for the inevitable wear and tear will gradually axis, then rotation would go on forever. Now I believe, first of all I am a man like you one - at least I want to study a human being. We are just one step away from genius. Contemporaries who often do not understand this step is a thousand miles, and future generations blindly believe that this is a step thousands of miles. Contemporary purpose to kill the genius, and future generations in the days before this incense. People suffering pain, and can not bear to its intense level of awareness, but rather after it stretches the most piercing torture. The most precious is life to him but once. Person's life should be spent: When he looks back, it will not regrets for wasted years, it will not live that. In this way, dying before he can proudly say: br> 77. Where there are birds singing sweet place, also have called snakes hissing. Those who would like to close by right way to achieve this deep realm of people from an early age, yearning to go for physical beauty. Friendship is everything. Friendship is more important than before, more important than the government, it is almost family can be equated. Do not forget this. Seventy-year-old has been living, still like the last thing: road trees planted settlements in Xieshang time, the white residential area, full of gold along the streets of the wind flower, Tian no pedestrians. I'll think about it again back to Tara. Pat-I was to withstand everything. Tomorrow, I will come up with a way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day of it. Blind can increase your courage, because you can not see the danger. I convalescent and nursing homes, Department of occupants. I care to observe me, and he watched me almost all the time: because the door had a peephole, I care is the kind of brown eyes, which I can not see through blue eyes. Whenever I back my youth, those days of the morning like a blizzard of white snow, as is wind blown away from me. Generosity, is the only light to illuminate the great soul. Many years ago, when my wallet deflated deflated, the land seems nothing to mix, and just right into the sea to the world in our absolute area of ​​the ocean stroll it! 87. I always seek is: in the human flesh and fantasy to the extent permitted, to obtain the maximum sincerity and trust, as well as everything to ensure that as long as possible. There is a place to complaints of crimes. There is not a symbol of the sad tears. There is a great failure, enough to make the collapse of all our success. Up, the hungry slaves! Up, all over the world who suffer! I mean if they're running and do not know is where to run, I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. I'm doing it all day. I just want to be the catcher in the Rye. I know this is a bit whimsical, but I really like is this. Get an experience not to be one heart attack, but also like to win as a city without guards. He did not know that the dream has been lost behind him, lost in the city's chaos over there into a vast unknown place, where the fields of America's swarthy extends forward in the night. APRIL is cruel, from the dead, breeding Lilacs out of land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull spring root. All the hypocrisy of the world, just as superficial, and only the truth is the life skills Receiving basis. The darkness of hypocrisy, will be destroyed for the glory of truth. Here what tricks to play it? Last night, I dreamed I was back Mandolin Li Manor. I can not imagine such a person, He also believes that when the first chess pawns cursory rather than for him to be heroic feat, and a horn in chess in the accounting guidance on the location of a seat means that the poor reputation of immortality, I can not imagine an intelligent person could have 10, 20, 30, 40 years into again and again to put all of his thinking are dedicated to an absurd thing - by all means the wood pieces of wood board the king arrived at the corner, while he was not crazy as a lunatic. Our house is a cat. Name them ... ... yet. Straighten heroic chest forward!
See many flags flying dance!
Who is there to the right?
To the left! Ostrovsky Selected Poems The water is his face lights up, his heart reflects the man.

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