Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chinese New Year festival tour Beijing snacks Raiders (Photo)

 Temple in a variety of snacks, the most noteworthy is the long history of Beijing snacks, it has both the local flavor of a traditional Han Chinese, Manchu and Hui and integration of ethnic flavor, and along with snacks from the imperial court . Today's Beijing snacks, is a collection of flavors from around the north and south, for endless innovation. To the altar in the temple and the Longtan Temple Fair, the special provision of a street food, brought together around the country representative of today's snack.

sugar-coated haws

sugar-coated haws is a traditional Chinese food, it is the string of wild fruit clusters with the bamboo stick dipped after the maltose thin, taffy case of rapid changes in wind hard. A common snack in northern winter, usually strung with hawthorn, starch syrup was frozen hard, eating sweet and sour, is still ice.

sugar-coated haws a wide range

sugar-coated haws, so many people can recall their own childhood, that sweet and sour taste, still fresh in my memory. Sugar-coated haws, in the Song Dynasty began between the ancient practice of history has long been documented, the Qing Dynasty around the years, the prevalence of restaurants, theaters, the streets everywhere, has become our traditional snacks. Sugar-coated haws ages, it has the appetite, beauty, increase intelligence, reduce fatigue, heat and so on.

the Spring Festival temple fair in Beijing still too often see a long string of candied fruit, close to the top side of the small colored flags, a string of mountains on foot plant fruit per dozen, was red bending of the bamboo fruits son, Yi Chan Yi Chan in my hand, and add to the festive festive atmosphere. Mention the origins of sugar-coated haws, the Emperor had to talk about it Song Guangzong the Southern Song Dynasty. Every winter season, whether urban or rural areas, the total sugar-coated haws to see businessmen who sell them or trolley or shoulder, bright red hawthorn wrapped in sugar films particularly attractive. Big girl surrounded by twos and threes, each buy one, bite, Ga bang crisp sour sweet, fragrant lips and teeth, it really comfortable.

in people's minds, sugar-coated haws a child to eat snacks, usually one dollar one. A single taste, and occasionally eat one, the old could touch off due to technical, but stick tooth sugar-coated haws, I felt a little delicious. Emerged in recent years may be old Beijing flavor sugar-coated haws to taste many varieties, carefully selected raw materials, clean the paper bag quickly won the majority of the people's love, a time line not seen there for many years the phenomenon of bid. Such sugar-coated haws hawthorn in the selection of raw materials, producing acid in the sweet pick Hawthorn Hawthorn-based high-quality materials. Supplemented by a variety of fillings, dried fruit, fruit and other accessories made of many different flavors of the sandwich sugar-coated haws. Wrapped in rice paper at the time of sale string, brown paper bags clean, greatly improving the quality of sugar-coated haws. To retain a large number of repeat customers. Consumer groups expanded to adults by the children and the elderly, and some people to eat a sugar-coated haws at the expense of a long way ... ...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wanda Riverside Business Centre in Wuhan to build a new landmark

 2010 At the end, Wanda Wang Jianlin, chairman of the media conference in Wuhan, in Hubei Chatteris Wanda big city layout planning, but also revealed the center under construction in Wuhan Wanda 5A Class A office high-rise, the completed after the second world can be as tall as Taipei 101 fireworks at the top level, the difference is, Wanda central office, through a computer programmed to discharge the cold for 20 minutes of fireworks, discharge of the more colorful than the former; and recently with Wanda Class 5A 180 meters Centre Riverside office high-rise cap, so that more people for this highly anticipated.

Wuhan, usher in the spring of office

as central China's financial center, transportation center, cultural center of Wuhan, Wanda has 6 consecutive Wanda Plaza development, particularly luxury mansion Wanda was born in Wuhan, brought to the city a model of aristocratic luxury; and its Class 5A 180 meters Riverside office, is not only a business support center in Wuhan Wanda, one of the first high-rise buildings have become integrated Yuqiao, Wuhan new landmark commercial endorsement.

5 years ago, the office market is still relatively quiet in Wuhan, Wuhan many office vacancy rate is amazing. Today, Wuhan unprecedented popular office leasing in Hankou, in the construction of Boulevard Zhejiang Guangdong Development Bank Building and the end of the year has already started building, Wuhan Yongqing Street's Ryan World Business Group is under construction.

and with the

The first top-level configuration to create Riverside

office is a barometer of the market economy, from the side reflects the pulse of a city's economic development.

being Hankou area along the Avenue of the Wuchang Bin Jiang, rapid development in recent years, especially near the Xinhai years of step by step, at home and abroad the concern for increasing Wuchang, for which proposed the construction of Wuchang District Wuchang city, district headquarters, Riverside business concept of the three major functional areas, and strive to fight the headquarters of Wuchang and modern service industry to attract economic zone.

Wanda Group to seize this historic opportunity to build in the business district of Wuchang Bin Jiang a total area of 68,000 square meters of grade A office space. It's available for the product Yuqiao Area, not just the increase of top-level configuration of the high-rise office building, more importantly, to change the traditional business model in the continuous efforts of innovation to the name Wanda, to create Wuhan, chief international Grade A office space.

international quality office created new wealth

With the sustained and rapid economic development of Wuhan, the gradual improvement of transport network, making a lot of high-quality domestic and foreign enterprises are starting to Wuhan as the center of the central region, where the office or the office expansion set. Wanda, green space, China Resources, the land line and other well-known domestic enterprises have entered the housing business district of Wuchang Bin Jiang, can predict the future product Yuqiao become an international financial center in Wuhan, Shanghai shoulder to shoulder

Wanda center
Grade A office building to the time from the hardware configuration management, have adopted the concept of international settings to high quality domestic and foreign enterprises have come to the Han Rong Jin, an international business platform for the creation of wealth reliable protection, effectively promoting the development of Riverside business district and regional value of upgrading. (Xu storage memory)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Faye Wong concert in Taipei ended gorgeous idol even behind circle

 Stars appeared Starchaser


Faye Wong
3 performances in Taipei to maintain a cry, and then murmured to himself seems to Faye Wong read the Heart Sutra, calm and continue to sing, and the carriage returned to normal operation, the audience applause sounded. She went on to sing in the carriage,

BEIJING, Jan. 24
Ruan, Faye Wong and Li Qiu concert production people pictured in the background and wide yesterday

concert last night stars still shining, Jolin Tsai, Elva, Rainie Yang, Chang Hsiao-yen and the new actor Ethan Ruan Ke Jinma yesterday were present to appreciate. Jolin Tsai yesterday wearing shorts and loaded camel ride jacket, accompanied by popular black-rimmed glasses without lenses, she said, has been like Faye Wong, 6 years ago at her concert in Taipei Stadium. Faye Wong, her favorite sing

and Ethan looked straight after the concert, said:

learned, Faye Wong, Taiwan, 7 days a good mood, no celebration party yesterday over and over, but this line, including her husband Yapeng, Carina Lau, Zhao Wei is Taiwan stay, enjoy the day before yesterday in the micro-Bo Zhao Wei praised: will, regardless of shape, selections, costumes are a big change? seems always really love the Philippines dress it! play more to her play, must Yuechang Yue high! really want to listen to a. like Taipei, the selected track. She said yesterday a total of only 3 Thank you, all right to continue to 10 words, for the Taipei concert will draw a perfect ending.

Faye Wong finished the last song

power Faye Wong She sang

According to Taiwan, Message:

John Woo Chinese film missed the Oscar

 Beijing yesterday morning, the U.S. Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the 83rd Annual Academy Awards for best foreign film nomination list for the second round, the current enrollment eligible, three Chinese-language film - - Mainland China's It is worth mentioning that Mexico should select the film Chinese elements. It is reported that Oscar nominations will be announced January 25, awards ceremony will be held Feb. 27 at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood.

revealed mystery

John Woo: Recently, director John Woo at the 23rd Film Festival Harbin Ice and Snow at the exchange, analysis of the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film Award jury members concluded that the mentality of the Chinese films do not need dedicated In his view, depends on the opportune prize is a thing,

as a regular film festival, John Woo believes that the vote of each film awards are As for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film Award, the judges determine the standards also have a clue, The film, movies pay more attention to things literary and emotional. If foreign language film entry is the action film, the elderly who can not stand the absolute extinction. to determine at a glance they certainly winning the prize, because it looks very emotional film, literature and art, as well as very bright theme: life and love, the judges saw that very warm. Therefore, if China would also like to film 'bid' we have to first determine whether the candidate can move the film all subjects, and if so, there are many opportunities for winning the prize.

2001, the However, the past 10 years, only Zhang Yimou's

Throughout this application be eligible, three Chinese-language film, contrast moving atmosphere, but was weak on narrative, the story incomplete. Many Chinese critics have said that three unsuccessful is makes sense to do. Zhou Liming, says the critic, Fengdao does not matter as early as the game is expected to disappoint

It is reported that Feng is also carrying the film in Japanese propaganda. Many fans of Feng Xiaogang was very calm and performance. biased. Unfortunately, the film scores in the country have been so proud of the film side. As of press time, I did not Feng

foreign media reaction

Chinese film unsuccessful U.S. media rarely cares

overseas, almost all U.S. media are discussing the excellent films have been nominated for again defeated the Chinese-language films few people interested. To American movie review site critics of Although this is a film can touch people's hearts, but those are not touching the screen is very good. p> Prior to this, the 81st Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film Award from the Japanese film calls once again be high. Revealed that many fans see the movie, the film carefully and thrilling story set tension, and the film will also be the most dark side of human nature to show up naked, in recent years rare thriller masterpiece.

another loud voice in the movie title should select the movie from Mexico, The film was directed by the The story played by the father of Uzzi Javier Baden Ball in the life at the end of the story of sin and redemption, focusing on the survival of the state of global migration. Tai Sun Chinese star in the film as a deduction from Wenzhou, specializing in the business of smuggling illegal immigrants -

Chen Cheng Evening News Chengdu Evening comprehensive legal system, the Guangzhou Daily

(Chengdu Evening News)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

7 Days Inn Zhengnan Yan 7 days to catch up with the first priority, such as home

 Media reported that Home Inns (HMIN.O, the Five.

Under the current situation, the amount of expansion of 7 days to catch up with the brand industry leader such as the family is top priority.

expansion and risk

a total of 1,000 stores is your goal?

Zhengnan Yan: 1000, 2000 or beyond, more of a psychological barrier. Samsung and below are the domestic-star hotel, the total number of 30,000 or more, with the major rise economy hotel brands than before, almost no major change, so the major brands can still have a free hand, to which there is no single low-star hotel brand, and a small, low-star hotel brand, eliminate from the market. In fact, as in 2010 we will have two new hotels is available from the absorption of non-branded hotels. The total number of stores in terms of total number of rooms, or design, we are the country's second, and only in front of us as home. Of course, where a number of hotels such as the first time to reach 2,000, perhaps he should stop to think about to see, and then send power. The rapid expansion of the end of the period, Which I am afraid to wait until the major domestic brands has acquired 25% share of the time, because then every new hotel, will reduce the marginal benefit, harm to others.

How much exposure?

Zhengnan Yan: 7 days to enterprise architecture for the rapid expansion of the natural, because we removed the traditional business perspective by which the executive power as the middle layer. And all of our stores, whether Direct or to join, have been controlled by our central system, some hotels will not franchise the brand centrifugal tendencies appear, it will store revenue is not paid back by the situation - - All the income of stores by our system monitoring and control. The concept is really incompatible with each other franchises, with their high cost of communication costs, as termination. In 2010 we joined the two stores about termination, the ratio is very low. As for our management team, the pressure should be said that they are strong, the rapid expansion of the state, even if the external risk is not increased, will continue to widen because of the pressure is magnified, but our team should be able to afford.

how to be prepared to explain

After all, the United States, all the major hotels are under the umbrella of an integrated hotel group.

Zhengnan Yan: In the current domestic market is still a significant expansion of space, we want to focus its resources on what we do best, and now the priority is the number of stores to 7 days to make up, because we 2000-3000 saw the market can accommodate the new stores at home for 7 days. But we also have explained with the investors, 5 years after 7 days will not like this single brand, we may buy other brands, perhaps like the Home, as a similar test, and Yi as the new brand internally. My plan is that after two years began to consider multi-brand system, and one year time to consider what should be used multi-brand strategy, brand positioning is based on the level of the sub, or recommend different brands by region, or the above practices are combined. I would say, I want us to do what they do best model.

Zhengnan Yan: the current industry not to the point where people dig each other, and we also attracted a high degree of human tolerance. We have trained over the past 200-300 years competitive competent to the office manager assistant manager. We review the pay every year to see whether it can maintain the competitiveness of the industry. In order to cope with inflation and other factors, we do not intend to blindly increase the salary the manager to deal with, but choose to remain stable based on the basic salary, bonus and the occupancy rate is linked to a single store, is also based on online customer reviews on a single store employees payment of a group bonus. Analogy, only 20% of the actual salary costs, you can get 40% salary increase effective.

(This article Source: Economic Report of the 21st Century: Qin Yi Bin)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Walk on the beach all the national football team before a sigh more than a few days to be able to more good

 Some of the stories are beautiful, and some doomed from the start, the story is tragic. In Doha, Kunitari also have their own stories, and the game has nothing to do, nothing to do with the target, but very real, very comfortable.

walked along

late 2011 they had 5 hours

December 31 last year, the Guangzhou Tianhe Airport early morning flight from Doha, the soldiers in the national football the last day of 2010 to open his own trip to the Asian Cup.

departure, the team wearing silver-gray suit, priced 10 million by the media. This makes the team was upset, and constantly explained: They are being returned from the training ground bus to the hotel. Many players received a text message sent from home, they wonder, Tiangang Hei, how to have New Year's Eve it? Domestic Qatar has 5-hour time difference, the team members forgot the last time passes some chaos. Their 2011 full than people for 5 hours late.

Doha Intercontinental Hotel in the lobby when the clock points to 0:00, a lot of players have to sleep. Not completely back off the time difference, they are not used to staying up here.

new for them, in 2011, is an unknown. In addition to the Asian Cup this year, is more important World Cup qualifier. Gao Hongbo took one and a half, each interview will stress that again,

stay at

sun and sand waves do not cactus

Kunitari Intercontinental Hotel where he stayed in the city's west coast, facing the sea, seasonal flowers. This is a five-star hotel, but was not really the best in Doha.

Organizing Committee of the Chinese team room was arranged in 3 layers, live here, there are Kuwait, Uzbekistan. Leading to the restaurant in the hotel lobby or on the road, the three team members met frequently, but there is no communication with each other, laugh or do not exist.

Organizing Committee to provide the buffet is very rich, but the taste is far from typical home. Team members said that each time competing abroad will encounter this problem, can not be achieved, but to accept the organizing committee to provide nutritional meals. Zeng Cheng, Yang Zhi had a birthday in Doha, the team dinner specially prepared for them a cake, it is usual practice, where will not change.

behind the Intercontinental Hotel on the beach, many come to vacation blonde bikini, lying on beach chairs in the sun, attracted many eyes. National football team were on the beach walking, jogging, will be glaring. Step on the soft sand, the assistant coach Fu Expo think of Gao Lin Wang Song science learn from the country squash ball

every day at noon, Gao Lin and Wang Song This is the old gym partner to play few games are table tennis, 7 game 4 win. Caused so much days, Gao Lin Wang Song won only one back, but he still carry forward the spirit of the defeated, participate in competition not so much pressure. quickly, not only mastered the rules, and fight a shape. Stood to fight other guests to see the hotel, he will even whisper a recognized as the most poverty. They chat, often comic dialogue as saying. They recorded a TV special to find a good video glib paragraphs, public broadcast. The two men will sometimes take the deputy leader Raymond Yan joke, let him go to the before the game, Fu Bo will be back in the hotel's outdoor swimming pool lying on the couch for an hour, he took more than 5,000 dollars to buy their own expense, to spend the iPAD of opponents, as the national football team members to do inspirational video, a team came to him when a joke, , Gao Lin on the beach buried an empty bottle, World Cup will be held in Qatar, when Gao Lin has 37 years of age.

most of the time, players like to stay in the room, watching TV, the Internet and chat. InterContinental Hotels to force the network too, and are struggling to open a web page, only to see the film computer memory, with the QQ chat. Two foreign teachers team, Ali Xiao and Franco Donato, they like to walk around the hotel, as long as you go Intercontinental Hotel, will see They basically figure, two lonely people, move around go.

to Doha, the players rarely go out shopping. Race did not start, the team had organized Qu Letang Pearl Island shopping, Leave the team when the team went to the Doha city with the old market, but basically are empty-handed.

noon the day before the game with Uzbekistan, Gao Hongbo, and Dewey to the Main Press Centre participated in the conference, and the remaining 22 players and assistant coaches all came to walk on the beach. Looking at the blue waters and sailing on the sea, a player can not help but sigh: days, nice ah ... ...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Premier League Tottenham Hotspur 0-0 Manchester United -10 people to return to top unbeaten

 Beijing at 0:10 on January 17th ,2010-11 season, the first 23 Premier League games continue at White Hart Lane stadium, Manchester United 0-0 draw with Tottenham Hotspur . Match the first 73 minutes, received 2 yellow cards Rafael sent off. This war, less Manchester United match 2 games to 45 points with Manchester City the same points, goal difference but dominant re-routed to the first one.
total of two teams clash in history 151, Level 35 Manchester United 79 wins and 37 wins. Manchester United at home this season, Manchester United with Nemanja Vidic, Nani scored a 2-0 win over Tottenham. It is worth mentioning that in May 2001 after the home 3-0 victory over Manchester United, Tottenham have not won Manchester United for 10 years, during which 23 games, 5 draws, 18 losses.

starting side, Manchester United's Edwin van der Sar, Wayne Rooney, Nemanja Vidic are back in time, Ryan Giggs is Manchester United welcome the first of his 600 league games. Redknapp Peter Crouch up front layout of such a high point, because Manchester United clean sheet in 19 league, 13 are headed in the ball.

game before the opening kick-off Manchester United. Capello, David Beckham appeared in the stands. 2 minutes, Dimitar Berbatov ball Zhise, Rooney restricted the right to skip the Chanqiang Gala, his right foot volley wide of the far end. 7 minutes, Carrick in the restricted area before the right side of the uprooting Palacios, Rafael Van der Sar left foot curve ball is firmly received.

8 minutes, Rooney lift up his right foot shot far corner from outside the area, Gomez flying Cepu wrecker. After 1 minute, Spurs got a great opportunity Xiadichuanzhong Hutton on the right, Crouch grab before the point of waving a missed shot close to the near post. 12 minutes, Spurs left corner out tactics, Modric Akira Backdoor Fletcher knocked open to the door, grab the ball by Michael Carrick in front of Gallas he denied.

first 18 minutes, Rooney cut into the restricted area on the right before the steal high cross in front, can no collusion. After 1 minute, Bell had left off Rafael pass the ball from Peter Crouch after the point of drifting across the head.

first 21 minutes, Van der Vaart on the right kicked Rooney was shown a yellow card. 23 minutes, Dimitar Berbatov struck the restricted area restricted area on the right before the cross, Rooney to keep up with his right foot volley was denied Gomez fell to the ground with one hand. 27 minutes, midfielder Rafael Palacios ball was off big trip away, he fell to the ground will Palacios shovel flying feet, the referee booked Raphael Dane.

32 minutes, the Bell H-30-meter free kick outside the door was Edwin van der Sar received. 36 minutes, after Raphael had 2 field with the ball in the circle to be brought down Wilson Palacios, Palacios also booked. 43 minutes, Bell accelerated Xiadichuanzhong, Van der Vaart grab before the point of the top side. 45 minutes, Fletcher kicked Bell booked. First half ended, the two teams battle into temporary 0-0.

neither the second half substitutions adjustment. 48 minutes, stopping pop-up Giggs top of the arc, he missed his homeopathic right foot volley. 51 minutes, Ryan Giggs corner out left, shakes from the center point of Carrick before looting after the post above. After 1 minute, Rooney Road, throw off the ball to the top of the key Hutton's defense, his right foot Nushe Gomes saved the bottom line again.

57 minutes, he missed Modric volley before the restricted area. After 1 minute, Evra on the left outside the box tipped over Lennon received a yellow card. Manchester United took the lead on 61 minutes substitutions, Anderson, Nani has been replaced. 62 minutes, the bottom line to pick off Rafael Hector closed, his right foot volley was Gomez got a small angle.

73 minutes, down hook from behind Hector Rafael received a second yellow card sent off, Rooney was not satisfied with a yellow card penalty. Volley hit the restricted area with Houkelaoqi high. 78 minutes, Dimitar Berbatov replaced by Hernandez. Tottenham Palacios also replaced by Defoe.

the first 81 minutes, Van der Vaart shot stitch Closed Road left corner above the door wiping. 88 minutes, Vidic cramps fell to the ground. Overall the final end of the game, Manchester United 0-0 draw with Tottenham.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hospital-patient relationship closer to the sun beautiful nurse photos (Figure)

 Hospital-patient relationship closer to the sun beautiful photos
hospital nurse patient relationship closer to the sun beautiful photos
hospital nurse patient relationship closer to the sun beautiful nurse photos

; Survey: How do you narrow the physician-patient relationship between hospital nurse beautiful sun photos?

of Neurosurgery, General Hospital of Chengdu Military Region, the new tactics to narrow the doctor-patient relationship: 

yesterday, General Hospital of Chengdu Military Region, the people of Neurosurgery and out the door, onlookers could not help but stop and LED display.

screen, is rolling broadcast pictures of different styles: the rescue documentary, non-mainstream, family-style photography, a family of three drying happy ... ...

one of the most compelling attention, is the beautiful art of a few sexy photos.

Kuangyong Qin explained chief of neurosurgery, plays beautiful Match Friends handsome guy, mainly to ease the tension unit, relax before the Spring Festival, but also hopes to narrow the doctor-patient relationship.

Rong Yao, political commissar of the hospital that this is innovation. For the beauty inside the large-scale photographs, he thought as long as the United States, healthy, can be displayed.

well-known scholars, Professor Zhang Yuan Sichuan University, believes that this reflects the inclusion of the hospital, so doctors and nurses to change people's minds for a cold, strict, stern image, return to a real, live person. He called for more people to the hospital industry to learn, not only keep a straight face looks like.

site: beauty surrounding the patient's family photo

yesterday afternoon, the General Hospital of Chengdu Military Region, 5th Floor Surgical Building, out of the lift, that is, neurosurgery.

come into view, is hanging on the wall of the LED display. Some sections of the above broadcast pictures rolling, the following words Corridor, 5 people are onlookers display.

this scene has been played here for a week.

since Monday last week, LED display is no longer broadcast the promo department, but the neurosurgeon involved in the rescue of broadcast documentary pictures of life according to medical staff.

Huaxi Dushi Bao reporter saw showed off pictures of all sorts. In addition to the normal working photographs, there are dressed in surgical gowns, leaning against the chair, dozing; muster big eyes, Du Qizui Pakistan's non-mainstream image; hung SLR photographer captured the image everywhere, ... ...

the most seductive, the art is a series of beautiful photos. Of these, the protagonist of the pedal according to Zhang artistic boots, leather gloves, wearing a hole, dressed in tight, bare arms and legs photos, looks both sexy and wild. A passerby who saw that, could not help saying: contact with a sexy photo of the protagonist Kay, she was sleeping under the night.

Kay is a neurosurgery nurse, 27 years old. That picture is from her colleagues QQ Xing Xuemin space

Kay said, the photos are posed for a pictorial last year, according to the time. She also filmed a photo before, but they are young, lady's style. Last year, she wanted to shoot with particularly large contrasts in life themselves, take the

friends say this photo is good, it has become one of her favorite photos, QQ into her head.

for private sexy photos for public play, she is not much of a feel thing. President Gu Jianwen.

Gu Jianwen say, we all a busy year, particularly tense and tired. New Year approached, want you to relax. Meanwhile, he also hopes to show photos of life, doctors and nurses and patients to narrow the distance between. Thus, collection of life proposed Match Friends scrolling recommendations.

collecting photographs things, the implementation of the head to the doctor Xingxue Min. Although we agree, but the real life personality to come up Match Friends, or some people are shy. Xing Xuemin to colleagues QQ space to stroll over and over, pick out a few personal photos. For some good photos, Xing Xuemin also repeatedly do the work, the consent of the owner's consent photos only put up.

a medical practitioner incredibly've been to Tibet, save the sick; certain very beautiful pictures of nurses do, DAI Qi masks usually only see a pair of eyes

... ...

chief of neurosurgery Kuangyong Qin said the Chinese New Year, everyone will greet the new round of fighting. Then, these photos would have removed life to.

□ parties say

the hospital: This is the innovation is very good

As a hospital, is not only to develop and strengthen Yifeng Medical Ethics in medicine, but also to build the hospital's culture. Neurosurgery more willing to accept by all means to promote themselves, closer relationship between doctors and patients, health care is more conducive to establish a good image.

For there are some pictures of the outside world seems larger scale, Yao Rong that would have been that the United States, no problem as long as the photo, during playback with the other purpose is not, no problem.

scholars: recommended more vocational learning

well-known scholars, Professor Zhang, Sichuan University, said that, in people's traditional view, the image of medical staff is rigorous and stern. The General Hospital of Chengdu Military Region, the practice of neurosurgery, subvert this traditional thinking, so that doctors faded robes, return to a real, live people, with a progressive.

Zhang said that, health care workers in addition to professional identity, but in society also plays a parent, children, friends and other role, is a living community of people, with or plain or colorful life. Match Friends play in their lives, not only can improve the physician-patient relationship, the distance between the two sides closer, more importantly, is also multi-angle, multi-health care reflects the human side.

The hospital did not win these pictures, but also from another angle, the Hospital of the inclusion, tolerance and respect for humanity.

Zhang Yuan said, calling for more industry participants to the General Hospital of Chengdu Military Region, the medical staff of Neurosurgery, learning to face stiffened and relaxed, to live with joy.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Chemical plant explosion in Hebei Gaocheng denied the said death of a tank crashed cause 2 injured

 BEIJING, Jan. 17 Shijiazhuang, Xinhua (cattle Chen Lin Lin Liu Xiufeng) Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, informed that the evening of 16 innings: 16, Gaocheng gas tank of a chemical plant falling accident, resulting in 2 1 dead people were injured.

Shijiazhuang innings, 16 innings and then Gaocheng report of Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau, located in New Gaocheng Chemical Co., Ltd. Hebei Derui tank falling accident occurred the morning, resulting in 2 deaths 1 person injured. Falling inside the tank with methylene chloride, no explosion and gas leak.

Gaocheng Li Jing, deputy director of Administration of Work Safety, said the accident investigation team has been established, the specific cause of the accident is under investigation.

16 at noon, WASHINGTON reporter received a report that is located in Hebei Derui Gaocheng 16 am Chemical Co. plant explosion, causing some casualties. 14 am, reporters rushed to the scene saw the factory door closed, door not far from the cordoned off, a number of police cars parked around the plant to maintain order.

had just come from the factory, said the families of casualties, in addition to the dead, the rest of the people injured have been rushed to hospital Gaocheng. Gaocheng People's Hospital emergency room director, said the Friends of Peng Xi, treatment of the injured had been sent to various departments, the specific number and the relevant circumstances are not registered. Person in charge of the hospital several times looking for a reporter to understand the situation failed.

door factory explosion, according to security officials said on condition of anonymity, the departments have launched investigations on the causes of the explosion, the plant head has been taken away.

Hebei media said the accident resulted in two workers were killed on duty, four or five injured workers were taken to hospital for treatment.

Federer Hebei Chemical Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of fine chemical intermediates and other products of the joint-stock chemical enterprise, located in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Gaocheng Industrial Development Zone, covering 80 acres, in the research and pesticide formulations processing in the lead. (End) 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Small group of patients rescued from the fire burns sister paralysis (Figure)

 Guy burns in hospital
a fire, so that the initial 55 years of age at the death of his wife Chi school, another growth after hand-off the pain of mourning women, and his son Chung Wei to save my sister first face was burned seriously injured . stood before burning down the house frame, a strong early Jhihsyue old man in tears, he did not know how the next day to go on.
little daughter was born early on the illness
Dehui City of Chi, who lives Formation School Zhen'an Village, three daughters married, his first with his son and small daughter, Wei Zhong Zhong Zhen early life. Ye Sa children living in three grass mud room, usually the son of working outside, he was at home doing farm work, can take care of sick little girl! Mama. are especially good for her, the family has a bitter day, they still happy.

a fire engulfed her daughter on October 30 this year, early in the morning, eat breakfast early Jhihsyue to work in the fields, away from home far, only 10 meters - he did not dare go too far with ease, little girl. Zhong Wei early after breakfast, went to the village with relatives, left the house early one Zhong Zhen.
8 pm, learn a blog back in early suddenly found a window frame smoke house. , could not get into the house! may be more the bigger the fire, the door could not get people. early Zhong Wei anxiously: lying on the kang, who are all fire, to see me come in, l ah r to call! on hot, the sister to my father, he burst into his hands to run around pain.
body burns daughter to see the beginning of Chi study, a trial of strength is called She told clearly than before, and she is in it to me for help! died due to wounds.
their love or not to retain the little girl in the hospital, tears beginning to learn Chi down, feeling his face burning, and when he knew that he was burned.
back Dehui, early learning and suffers blog. The doctor said Zhong Wei hands first, head, face, ears, neck deep second degree burns, inhalation burns. Although the hospital costs for some relief, However, if follow-up treatment can not keep up, the 23-year-old boy's face probably be destroyed, and fuel-efficient products.
poor families frequently against
a decade ago, the wife of early lung cancer study blog, then 5 Seventeen months before the biggest year-old child. his side to take care of their children, while raising money to find ways to cure his wife. limited income, he borrowed a lot of money, even loan sharks, six or seven million of the debt owed, can the wife or left them.
middle school cheer death of his wife's first blog, fuel economy principle, a man with five children living, slowly but also on a little debt, had intended to stay for another few years, married his son a wife. I did not expect, a left hand accidentally burns. later, he led the two children with one hand life, Notes to the beginning of a strong school could not carry out anymore. standing frame house burned down, he cried helplessly Helping Hand hh
want good people
still young Yeah, can not destroy his son's face, then later have to live! clothes, and nothing out, and now even a shelter nowhere. civil affairs department grants Dehui 5,000 yuan, 2,000 yuan subsidy charitable sector, temporarily help him ride out the storm. can face huge medical bills his son, is still frustrated early chi school.
you would like to help this experience rough Family hand? please call the hotline newspaper :0431-96618. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011


 BenQ BenQ
as crucial domestic market, entered the living room theater masterpiece, W6000 was the designer given the early days of the birth of a new bright spot, get rid of the traditional home theater , but also to the living room suddenly becomes top home video entertainment. BenQ W6000 with gluttonous feast on the visual senses.

BenQ W6000, the appearance of bright black Yaze to smooth lines coated body, side angle Department to round curvature of the Conference, both the atmosphere was professional image, adding a bit more intimacy. Commonly used in previous console 1500ANSI lumens brightness difference, W6000 upgraded to 2500ANSI lumens, the projector to achieve business standards. This highlighted the traditional console design breakthrough technical limitations in brightness, applications environment is broad, the requirements of the light conditions are no longer demanding; even relatively bright in the living room at home, can easily cast a clear and delicate picture.

W6000 increase in brightness at the same time, professional-quality results did not discounted. The high 50,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio, the level of help to the performance of rich, bright colors and better shadow detail; the physical resolution of full HD, with Hollywood's HQV video processing chip, more dripping filling fresh image of excellence. Watch hot shock both high-definition Hollywood blockbusters, audio-visual sensory challenge to the limit, or connected to the wii game popular around the world and enjoying fun in the entertainment world, BenQ W6000 Home Entertainment will bring all surprises.

To make it easy for the general public to enjoy the fun science and technology, BenQ W6000 is also more intimate details of the design used. For example, it can be done in the horizontal or vertical lens shift adjustment, user-friendly installation and commissioning; It also offers dual HDMI video input interfaces for users to connect to a variety of video source devices, but also for future Blu-ray and HD DVD to stay Under plenty of headroom; the standby power of less than 1W, environmental protection, saving energy, the projector can create a quiet and comfortable atmosphere. Perpetuate the human aspects of product design advantages, BenQ W6000 yet without losing the high-end theater professional specifications, and applications in the operating level to give people a warm concern for the average consumer can easily control the projector, set up their own home theater.

now this flagship model has arrived Beijing Zhongguancun market, retail reference price of 24,999 yuan, now buy back the company will Client Sony S370 Blu-ray DVD (above) one set. Consumers are welcome to visit and purchase! Please contact the following dealers. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Do you reside in high-rise home has a lovely baby you want to give your children and ...

 1, if you reside in high-rise? Home has a cute baby? You want to give your child and family is more considerate and safer care care? If your answer is yes, I believe you must be a have on the family care every possible responsible person. the pursuit of career success, to make your family a comfortable life on the better quality, you can not always accompany the child around the family, then family members how to give your baby a better protection? There is a product First you do !---both strong security, protection, and a variety of functions, high technology, modern smart home alarm system that connects residential alarm center, personal mobile phones. as parents can not always stay in the baby around, he (she) can climb chairs, possession of cats and so on, a great danger. The weather is hot, sure to open the window ventilation. afraid of ten thousand, afraid of the event. who do not want to happen if that situation, a dangerous place, it may cause your family life in the infinite pain and remorse! take preventive measures, to create your home plan the perfect baby safe! a safe, comfortable, warm home! welcome to inquire, we will give you free installation. Recruitment agents throughout the country also the patron saint of children, the natural enemy of the thief! traditional safety net of intelligent stealth alarm protection (Pirates) network. can be installed in a window or balcony (in) a special surface structure of stainless steel wire, can be connected to on-site alarm or alarm system, serve to prevent thieves stealing or prevent the elderly, children fall floor of the dual role. advantages: A, [security] protection of the safety of children playing at high altitude, high altitude to prevent falling objects. B, [fire] ability to design high strain, in case of fire emergency conditions, can be removed 3-5 seconds. C , [beautiful] fine wire structure, do not obstruct vision, the same view out the window, to better preserve the original architectural style. D, [security] anti-theft system can be connected, with the hidden construction, so beautiful and more protection and security, .2, introduced a new product - find a solution ------ invisible fence, so that no isolated with the outside world you feel fresh every day to fully enjoy the outdoor sun and air; view of the situation changes from take away from the confinement of ... ... the Features: 1, 2, to prevent a balcony fall clothing pots to protect the child safety, prevent climbing 3 to ease the psychological discomfort height 4, 5, make full use of available space in the balcony, do not affect sight and 6 urban landscape can be connected and intelligent anti-theft system 7, 8, meet fire sanitation requirements, fire can be quickly removed in 9 seconds, 10 meters outside the completely invisible, as if invisible protective clothing for the balcony covered in recent years, due to economic development and the improvement of living level, In some cities, the emergence of more and more high-rise residential and high-rise residential because the superiority of many functions, such as the use of elevators, floors, etc. open landscape view, as many consumers preferred domestic consumption . But at the same time, we note that, as more and more high-rise buildings in use, children and the elderly in the event of high-altitude falls, falling objects injuries in this area more and more, to many ordinary people with to the property, and even the spirit of the great loss of life. In the back of these accidents, we found the reason why these accidents happen, one is custody and the corresponding lack of awareness, the more important security measures is still missing. for the current high-rise buildings means in terms of security gaps, the products are mainly installed in high-rise window and the balcony, without affecting the appearance of buildings under the premise of adequate security played a role, children and the elderly can avoid unexpected damage events falls . At present the new cities are required to allow installation of traditional real estate security windows, security windows because of the traditional cityscape and hinder escape. because of rust after years of traditional security windows, afraid of falling injuries in the past pedestrians, obstruct fire escape, fire, rust affect construction of water surface, even more of landscape architecture. and stainless steel security windows have the same effect on the urban landscape, a sense of prison was also not allowed to install on the balcony. but do not install bars, expensive clothes fall if the child falls, thieves invaded how to do? often reported in children unprotected by the balcony and windows of the falls, or inflammation due to disaster and can not escape prison block startling events. without affecting the landscape, is the best substitute for traditional security windows, greatly enhanced the home security, home, children can be assured in the balcony, windows to play, not worry about the home and property safety, fire is likely to escape. and after the installation of this product very beautiful, like home decoration, people feel carefree.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Major domestic textile and clothing site

 1. Textile search for treasure:
mainly used in textile directory, textile and textile business information query.
2. China's textile and apparel network:
international , asked to see the domestic supply of information, as well as suppliers and buyers, sample libraries, e trade interaction, market conditions, industry consultation.
3. Global Textile Network:
the main provider of procurement, sales, textile and textile database consulting, market conditions and global interviews and other information.
4. clothing online:
provide clothing information, marketing management, brand and product recommendations Expo, Data Report, trademark sublicense, fashion fitted Court, corridor models, Fashion Forum and other information.
5. Chinese fashion brand network:
introduces the world famous, world clothing brand, clothing trade, exhibition and clothing industry and other information.
6. Yaku Fashion (Fashion) online:
works of international famous designers, fashion gallery, business cards, presentation and message color art features.
7. China Leather Information Network:
introduced mainly to provide the leather market prices, business opportunities, exhibition information, export processing and Internet Expo and other information.
8. China Leather Online:
mainly provides business directory leather and leather goods purchase, supply and demand information, the latest products and industry consulting and other information.
9. International Fashion Association Fashion Fur:
professional world history and the fur Fur fashion on the full range of consulting and business aspects of the English site.
10. Fashion Color Association:
Professional introduces color in the world about the most current information, including color products, color education, color design and color and characters.
11. Chinese women:
some well-known in China are mainly linked women's sites, such as Agnes, Jane, thin women Tao, Qiushuiyiren such information site slopes .
12. China Textile Economic Information Network:
provide information on international and domestic textiles, textile market, supply and demand, textile companies and other information.
13. China Cotton Textile Technology Information Network :
Textile technology experts to provide advice, technical resources, databases and latest industry developments and other information.
14. clothing kenfor:
provide the apparel industry news , clothing supply and demand information, business directory information such as clothing.
15. China Garment Accessories Network:
clothing materials provided comprehensive sales, business promotion, product promotion.
16. Jingwei China :
textile and apparel industry to provide information on supply and demand, domestic and international fashion market and the other.
17. Ten occasion embroidery:
provide cross stitch semi-finished products , components, software, etc..
18. Fashion FM:
B2B business platform is a large clothing.
19. China's shirts:
provide shirts industry information, including Busen, Kelvin, sea soul, love Sen, skin Wong, Peak and other brands.
20. China's textile and apparel Information Network:
site primarily serving the textile and garment enterprises The B2B e-commerce, there is a new two-dimensional, three-dimensional display platform, while the company is also engaged in the design and production of corporate website.
21. China Garment Information Network: / index.asp
Introduction industry information, association dynamic, import and export tracking, the domestic market and international market, fashion and trends.
22. Chinese clothing line:
provide clothing information, products, supply and demand publishing, enterprise search other.
23. China Garment Network:
provides textile, apparel, apparel industry information, market conditions, fashion, company directories, product library, Sell Buy, etc..
24. Chinese clothing information website:
has joined more than 400 companies, informative.
25. Chinese clothing line:
apparel clothing commercial websites, providing online advertising planning, web production, the latest information on industry dynamics and other apparel.
26. China Leather Garment Information Network:
provide leather garments, leather products, fur clothing information.
27. Chinese cashmere Network:
supply and demand information cashmere, cashmere market, wool market information research, expert comment on cashmere, cashmere and relevant policies and regulations.
28. China down information network: www.
for international and domestic publishing industry information down to promote enterprise in China down.
29. Chinese clothing net:
international procurement, supply and demand, agent information and online shopping and other columns.
30.YEBOSS International Fashion Business Network:
apparel industry e-commerce sites, for the apparel industry to provide import and export, processing orders, style trading and other services.
31. Fashion Technology Business Online:
dolphins from Wuhan online network the company has, based on clothing, home business, help companies build e-commerce system and network application solutions; site set up multiple channels and industry professionals news and information.
32. Oriental Fashion Chinese Fashion Online:
Fashion Gallery, Master Works, trends introduced.
33. Fumin Fashion Network: www.fumin . com
Dongguan Humen Fumin Commercial City is the largest garment wholesale market, concurrently cosmetics, shoes, cloth.
34. cool gentleman clothing online: comprehensive apparel solution, the gentleman suits full support.
35. Qian Yi Network: set light clothing textile companies, products, raw materials, equipment and vendors the culmination of a professional website.
36. Chinese clothing net: www.cnfashion . net
clothing business website, various types of information collection, publishing, design and production of apparel and clothing trade.
37. Newell Hall:
provide clothing information, industry news, company Introduction, models and other agents.
38. Zhongyuan Clothing Online:
latest clothing information, online fashion show for the publishing business supply and demand information, check brand name merchants.

Monday, January 10, 2011

China Rare Earth environmental standards adopted in principle the future or to lead the industry GB

 Voice of the economy, according to reports, the news yesterday (5 days) from the state Department of Environmental Protection confirmed that it has approved in principle the rare earth industry environmental standards.

Although the Environmental Protection Department of the persons concerned explicitly told reporters, The news media, the standard will be very strict on the rare earth industry in the sewage, radiation protection, vegetation protection and other aspects will be clearly defined. RE experts involved in drafting the standard and the Beijing Nonferrous Metal Research Institute senior TESTING Huang Wei agree that the environmental costs of domestic rare earth industry is likely to double the result:

Huang Wei: rising costs is possible, the current situation you have to fully meet the standard, certainly should have input, the existing technology if it is not, the investment may increase the cost of treatment.

Hunan Institute of Rare Earth Materials Yang, head of sales that, while environmental standards will result in rising costs, but considering the rare earth industry is now the high pollution, high radiation, environmental standards or necessary.

Yang: National implementation of environmental standards is certainly rare earth affect the enterprise, the primary processing of this reflected the price of rare earth products will certainly rise up, but there are radioactive, harmful to the environment is great.

Huang Wei is also optimistic, but said that if the improvement of environmental standards to encourage companies to develop new technologies, the replacement of new equipment, then keep the cost down is the same or even possible.

Huang Wei: technological progress is important, in fact, strong technological capability, innovation and strong there is a large competitive advantage will be stronger in the whole industry there is a survival of the fittest.

Huang Wei is more concerned about is that this is called

Huang Wei: The current production of rare earth smelting separation industry mainly China, so foreign in the future also possible in accordance with this standard to implement, or develop additional standards, this standard is a development direction, but also rest of the country the industrial sector an important criterion. (Xinhua ZHOU Jin bamboo)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

News Headlines taboo Wrap

 The eyes of the newspaper headlines, the production of news headlines should be the same as the care of your eyes, heart, carefully, carefully. Making headlines there are specific regulatory requirements, but the norm is dead, the executor is alive, sometimes less than a real office down norms become a dead letter. Therefore, the most important thing is to have a strong editorial sense of responsibility, professionalism and excellence and, of course, but also a consummate professional skills.
Here, I just want to press question about the title of one point off the line. In general, try not to break the line headlines, do not split the sentence, if the experience had forced off line, be aware of a separate trip to the full meaning is not so ambiguous reading ; in the fold line, to avoid the full force of the meaning of the word or phrase cut; off line, but also pay attention to word order and smooth, according to Chinese language of habit, as far as possible without Inversion. The following is a recent three-day title of the emergence of some newspapers Examples of inappropriate off-line:
(shoulder problems) Moso women Namu Yang city when two vehicles judges
(double subject) frankly very disappointed in Xi'an
title ; Xi'an singer Second car Namu Yang admitted some of the things the city of Xi'an, so that singers very disappointed. Now the title completely irrelevant to the meaning and intent.
World Cup classic
scarce Exceeding
br> copper coins
So there is a new concept: ; prepared list
List, ; meet the minimal needs those conditions rocket engine test successful

The first half turned into a Top
the means that it is different from the reality of exposure, but the sentence is omitted, the original intent should be and and the result is disconnected, so that, after half became another layer of meaning.
love and responsibility to let me
In this part of the title in the act as a predicate, but the editors have arbitrarily divided into two parts of this predicate.
Hu Jintao to Russian airliner crash
Sends Message of Condolences to Putin
This is an important political, Foreign news, supposedly to deal with this headline should be cautious, but the title of 10-year struggle to pay off creditors
36 位 million in debt
cut, we can see, edit the title to two lines of symmetry words, but as long as take down the both symmetric, meaning is accurate, I do not know why it is so preferred that editorial,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

To force the summary of 2010

 2010, there is a beauty called ...
2010, there is a new word called ....< br> 2010, there is an energy saving and emission reduction called regulation of real estate called rent lobster muscle may be dissolved may be demolished to send their children to school room, tuck may be suffocated, the train could not keep up with the white ticket ......< br> 2010, many apprentice said List of network of excellence is its network of excellence of ......< br> 2010, not only love to write a diary Lei Feng, and Han Feng, big beautiful women not only in heaven, heaven on earth there ......< br> Their findings ---
2010, want to buy a house found that down, the policy to force every year, every year enforced. hey. is not a wolf, but wolves have come tired.
2010, left male and left women have found, in fact, do not have to Jiangsu TV to find the object You Are the One root of the no matter how brilliant too, a careless, there is a collective day of saliva quickly submerged.
2010, some of the elite have found that their superstitious Lee a fact, not gods, but their root cause is clear - they have as power, capital, lust slaves, unable to appreciate the beauty of nature.
2010, the media found the film In troubled times, people need something innocent. no matter how harsh the environment, an innocent time for themselves, an innocent object, the days to come out.
2010 discovery of all:
A: I found the previous the money when I did not save a penny; now I saved, and not worth the money.
B: I found that I find the right job is difficult, however, than to find a suitable object even more difficult to find the right job!
C: I found my girlfriend began to urge me to hurry up to buy a house, and eat dumplings mixed with garlic was not me.
D: I found 100 more as 10 yuan a.
E: found in the List of schools because of the network of excellence higher and higher employment rate of graduates, but the salary words: he does not love you, not your good enough, but you no matter what, not good.
G: the buildings around them have become the garden of the terrace.
2010 sorrows and joys:
1. good looking what's the use? test Tsinghua what's the use? economist, what's the use? the future is not going to marry Luo Yufeng!
2. News Network cattle fork is that even if you have been turned on the TV, but also complete reading a news item.
3. Now people wear clothes not to keep warm, but for the moment there are clothes to take off; now people living together is not to get married, but to not get married.
4 . human society there are many problems, but ultimately only three: the problem looks, purity issues and character issues. any puzzling things, including big problem to find the answers.
Conclusion: do their own thing, live their own life, brought together the power of occupation. (Compilation network of excellence of Surveying and Mapping)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Leads to the force by the

 10 years of buzzwords is enough to combat, lost a lot of home language.
until out of high school I did not have in our region, always thought of our mother tongue is, at least similar to the Mandarin.
out of the house when I first is when I was in college. At first the students around that nobody knows what I said, until many years later, still be friends teased me introduce myself. I put a lot of people do not understand what words mean as weight, up to six months later, had also met in the cafeteria playing the Many native dialect, go away. a lot of words never spoken, even back home, they do not. I do not know television broadcasting, information technology is highly developed today, the home language of many places still have vitality. But they have been deeply implanted in my heart, to hear where I could feel a warm, even if it is a curse

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Appreciation of learning to sing the classic English (159) [Jambalaya]

 Village Voice mmThe Legend of Country Music (Vol.II) of Hank Williams (Part One)
[Intro] Things To Remember
Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo
Cause tonight I'm gonna see my ma cher amio
Pick guitar fill fruit jar and be gay-o
Son of a gun we'll have big fun on the bayou
assorted vegetables, bread and meat gumbo lobster because
Tonight I'm going to meet
and dear back guitar, fill fruit, happiness boundless
knock your socks off, we enjoy the joy of playing narrow creek
song : Jambalaya (On The Bayou)
original music: Hank Williams
years: 1952
Classic degrees: A
popularity: B
Naiting degrees: B
Recommended level: 8.6
online enjoy

[lyrics Original]
Jambalaya (On The Bayou)
Goodbye Joe me gotta go me oh my oh
Me gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou
My Yvonne the sweetest one me oh my oh
Son of a gun we'll have big fun on the bayou
Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo
Cause tonight I'm gonna see my ma cher amio
Pick guitar fill fruit jar and be gay-o
Son of a gun we'll have big fun on the bayou
Thibodaux Fontaineaux the place is buzzin '
Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen
Dress in style and go hog wild me oh my oh
Son of a gun we'll have big fun on the bayou
Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo
Cause tonight I'm gonna see my ma cher amio
Pick guitar fill fruit jar and be gay-o
Son of a gun we'll have big fun on the bayou
Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo
Cause tonight I'm gonna see my ma cher amio
Pick guitar fill fruit jar and be gay-o
Son of a gun we'll have big fun on the bayou
[full text translation]
assorted vegetables
Goodbye, Joe, I'm going, my God
I want to canoe into the small bay
hold my Yvonne, the most lovely girl, My God
knock your socks off, in the narrow creek we enjoy the joy of playing
assorted vegetables, lobster cakes, and meat gumbo
because tonight I'm going to meet
and dear back guitar, fill fruit, happiness boundless
really exciting, narrow creek that we enjoy the fun
play a small river, spring next to the gurgling water
relatives were all wearing fashionable look Yvonne
, crazy behavior, my God
really exciting, playing in the narrow creek we enjoy the fun
assorted vegetables, lobster cakes, and meat gumbo Cause tonight I'm going
and dear relative will
back guitar, fill fruit, happiness boundless
knock your socks off, in the narrow creek we enjoy the joy of playing
assorted vegetables, lobster cakes, and meat gumbo Cause tonight I want to
and dear to meet
back guitar, fill fruit, happiness boundless
knock your socks off, we enjoy the joy of playing narrow creek
langrisserA translation
[Classic Appreciation]
people all know, the birth of music bars and other liquor under the town needs, and the noisy environment, that my heart cried out misdeed, crime tracks, tragic life of these bars also became the main bar of music content. but the souls of country music was born in Alabama, the father of the bar music, the bar's first of his own life and feelings , or simply say, is that disease, indulgence, synonymous with failure and destruction. past that it is always easy, but the state can not easily reproduce the mass that clusters destroyed by pain and revelry, die young souls mm year that jazz rock genius, and country music in the living alternative. Hank Williams was born in 1923, childhood and adolescence have been exposed to a variety of styles of music, such as the southern religious music, black music, country music, these musical elements to dissolve in his creations, so he did not become a source of music, but fresh, direct, able to hit the heart of things .1952 years, Hank Williams praised this first local features Cajun food assorted vegetables song Jambalaya (on The Bayou) Long Deng Country championship standings, and later, a cover by Karen Carpenter.

Monday, January 3, 2011

[Fox and the Hound] twenty-four classic Disney animation, full-length animated story

 Fox and the Hound
English name: The Fox and the Hound
Release Date: July 10, 1981
film for a long time: about 83 minutes
Works Category: twenty-four classic Disney animation, original full-length story drawn cartoon
: Adapted from Daniel P. Mannix works of the same name works
Description: Disney's classic masterpiece describing the friendship! content is described in a small fox terrier Tod and Copper at an early age that the best form friends, and they play with frivolity, lived a carefree life. But when they grew up, also come to know each other is the natural enemy of the fate of victims of an accident are not careful to take care of Tod's old dog Copper Chief broke his leg Copper's owner Amos Slade then took Ji Copper Fox from the mountains, they can get rid of the past fate of the sincere friendship of entanglement? theme in Disney animated film can be said that among the adults and more practical orientation, coupled with the rather taste of country music soundtrack, the film changed the course of this characterization of good friends rather profound. In the Disney animated film in the history of film is very important because it is a tradition of making! was the older generation of animators to retire , a new generation of animators are prepared to take over, two generations of animators in the film house to put in efforts, working with veteran animator, after retirement, a new world to become fully took over h Disney animators under cultivation in the painstaking training, and finally taken after a few years  group assignments of the production process, but also makes the Disney animation can increase production. The film was the first time in 1994 has been launched in the U.S. video and content by the Best video award that year the United States was The Little Mermaid go beyond sales.
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