Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ah ah ah!

 Baidu recently I was a serious problem of space! Since yesterday, Has been a problem! Firefox browser until I want to change it back to normal!

First, Bowen has recently been issued two crazy friends to pay tribute! ! ! Today is a very very

confusion ah! At noon, XHJ with LSY has been bothering me in the next, see them imitate my actions, I deliberately put orchid fingers, did not think XHJ gall imitation good! The female-specific signs as a movement, is totally totally inappropriate for him to do drop! Though, given the current imitation of his movements as the reason too, so I'm sure that he must be gay in a drug it! I highly recommended him - grow up, must go to the Castle Peak Hospital to do a sex change operation! ! ! ! ! I am very satisfied with the recent

new tune seat! This seat, so I have a familiar feel, God knows! Before the fourth grade, I was sitting in my seat now - behind a seat, which is LSY position, behind the ostrich is wow ~!

talk about my recent love to watch the reading! It was not generally work! Annie is a wealthy hero crazy imaginative girl, with me about it! However, I imagine her to be insane on more than a hundred times! (I would rather live in the fantasy of a man Oh!) I super love this book!

As for music, almost all heard of the Genie! Her | Recently'd like to hear ... ... uh ... the students ... we crash a big fan of Mexican butterflies - ZJ song! (*^__^*)... Hee hee, heard these words, I do not know What do you think! At least listen to his songs is to be worthy of your all over it! Ha ha!

Oh! Come talk about my lovely and hateful H students now! Really, he was not satisfied with the many shapes I have, I think, he decided to shave their heads to the calculations! This is also easy on the eyes wow! The actor Mr. Zhang Jizhong's Queen! I am in great hopes that he will star in a number of young girl I was interested in TV or movies. Perhaps ... ... by him to play the new Oh, my God, what my whim ah!

Also, a recent magazine care about forests, I see a relatively moving Wen Wen! Called the I was very touched by the content! The following type it -

swordsman mound

I was 13 years old, he left the prairie, left my life.

day cloud is very shallow, very light,cheap UGG boots, faint trace strands to float in the sky, the days seem so full, rounded. And my heart full of blue sky in the crack pieces, scattered into the dust. I hid Kalu

seen by people riding on his high horse, waving Huolang smile frequently, Bai Liangliang teeth flashed in the sun seems to direct meshing of the fragments in my mind. Thus heart and turned it into gray butterfly, around the saddle before he Mahou Fei ah fly.

eyes wide open I try to keep the tears blurred vision, but his presence is still getting smaller and smaller, and finally to make the blue sky and green of the original condensate between a black point.

Whenever I've looked after this Prairie will see the end of a dimly black spots. I know it was him, did not know he was still soluble in a world overtaken by eternal.

13 years old, I do not know a point every day looking at the horizon is called Acacia, do not know what they Kalu tribe by tribe and we Zaha hatred for generations of love means that the days of my life anything.

shepherd every day when I was just facing the sky and fields are green again and again, repeatedly sing the old songs grassland. It was widely circulated on the prairie on how to obtain a mysterious legend of love: If an infatuated woman willing to bloody red heart the mouth of the man she loved the tip,Discount UGG boots, then she can never get that man's heart .

this view believe that everyone knows everyone, but it has never been tried.

our men will be sword plains. Zaha

Kalu and the two tribes by the occasion in autumn and fencing will be held Guyu day. Natural than the win is a hero, than lose that is not prohibitive as long as the same respected.

Yuezhanyueyong are so many swordsman, would rather die than drop, the grasslands will Guyu this day more often several Xinfen.

Guyu not raining, it must be cloudy days, because the human mind is dead.

even the victorious hero is not necessarily easy, because he won on behalf of life and death decisions to continue winning next year. The more the number of wins, the shame of failure more severe than almost without exception, the ultimate hero in the sword of the dead.

since they beat, it can not Zaibai out.

but fencing swordsman to kill off the opponent but can no longer participate in a competition. Because the body read has the virtue of God, and his extraordinary Jianyi drink blood with hostility, not more destruction of the.

either killed, or kill, there is no third option. So the two tribes

up more and more hatred.

Guyu I was 17 years old at the sword, bronze-edged sword that he held back, skill agile, sword skills, 17-game losing streak swordsman, victory and go. Unusual is that his sword always go beyond that, often stabbing the opponent's wrist or knee made it impossible Jujian only stop fighting, but not to die.

the first time that almost no one at the death of fencing, so although the day was sunny day Guyu Lang Lang, as a transparent crystal jade.

Kalu by the people happily dancing around him singing, jah people see him bitterly, but also heartfelt admiration. And I, I looked at my long absence, the hero, the heart has overtaken children throwing holds the elegant and lively butterflies him, chase him.

One Kalu Yaowu to him by the girl, the first time I realized that we were from two rival tribes.

While nomadic in the same piece of grassland, but the two tribes are like this of no fixed abode, I occasionally long, long time to see him again, not pass, is distant sea. Butterfly heart flew after him a spring of another summer, and his eyes are always crossed my long hair, focus on a distant hill.

Guyu sword is the only way to allow me the opportunity to enjoy watching him. He is still the winner, from my 17 years old 21 years old, he was at the meeting Guyu the blow. But miraculously, his sword has never died a man.

so he is still better than down, year after year to participate in fencing, year after year to do champion.

more and more of his fencing skills, his people more and more silent.

I know a lot of Kalu made love to him by the girl, but he in addition to animal husbandry, hunting and swordsmanship and outside distractions. He is a lonely hero on the prairie. Zaha

I quietly left the tent on the prairie street, looking for the 3 months and 7 days after finding traces of Kalu by. I waited way back in his pasture in the setting sun quietly set into a slender silhouette.

stopped his horse beside me when I looked down, I do not know how to tell him of my crazy idea, do not know what kind of language can bridge the Kalu and Zaha thousands of years by the feud .

stars flashing behind him, I seem to hear the sounds of the night is getting stronger. A long time, I suddenly go short pants, squatted at his feet untied the boots with his left boot.

prairie woman, man tie his shoe care system to that life, I wordless way in this confession his 8 years of infatuation.

He hesitated, and I saw him breasted navy blue gown, like to shake the lake, I saw him hold the whip hand clenched and relaxed. I have tears in the left shoe laces untied and Department of rope,UGGs, fingertips just touching the right shoe, he suddenly took a step back, and I tearfully looked up and saw him, he did not look at me, pull out the horse, feet tucked gown away, one person, one riding a sudden, out of my field of vision Chi.

I long to stand a long while refused to go back on the prairie, as if afraid to believe it will become a pillar of salt back. Tears from my cheeks quietly slipped quietly into the long-Cao Jian, the night has been seepage into the heart go cold.

I wading through a flood and the grave, when the grassland is convex when the concave lay out the remains of Guyu thrilling. Grave monument engraved with the names of dead swordsman, they are still very young, they are the most popular prairie of the most heroic youth, but now it lay on the wild solitude of the tomb where no one sweep down.

I tuck one sitting on top of graves, the wind is my Yin v. cricket their dialogue with the Soul Calibur, silent time in the presence of heaven and earth at this moment, the universe between prehistoric surprise me clearly in the dark project is done and to see a black spot. That black spot growing closer and closer, Chi in front of me I still can not believe it when he went back to being undone.

on horseback commanding his looking at me, look deep cold elusive. I stare at him without saying a word. Thus we confront a long time in silence, I thought he would never talk, when he suddenly pointed to whip around the graves, said a low voice:

I surprised a moment, he has stooped to a sweep on my horse,

my back against his chest, then the whole person in a fog rising. I hope he took me to the ends of the earth on this, but he just sent me jah tribe.

distant when our accounts every sight, he dismounted reined bridle, the first time we see each other face to face horizon. He nodded slightly a tone decidedly: into his arms, turned and jumped into a horse, horse long hiss, his back has been dissolving in the vast night.

I know it is time he will never go back, so he can not belong to me, because he already belongs to the sword. Unless his sword to kill an opponent, or he would never be able to stop the fencing, if he does not want to kill, then to one day become his sword souls of others.

His heroic and my infatuation is the same lonely, my hero Oh, how I can end your pain and how we can get your heart?

went to Gu Yu, a hero of my eyes calm, Jianguang cold, beat in his first 12 opponents, I saw the thick beads of sweat on his forehead,UGG boots, and his sword style is still as cautious . I know that if he refused to kill a rival for the kill to end the game, he will sooner or later Jiuzhan out force, died in someone else's sword.

I put on a good men had prepared, cast a veil to mention the sword come back sounding.

confrontation once again we had.

exposed his eyes slightly confused, seems to guess who I am. However reminder has been sounded a call for war, he raised his hands of the sword.

my life into my beloved man raised his sword tip Hanmang an abnormal cold light, cold crisp. I gazed silently walked up to the tip, deeply, deeply looked at him, he seemed to look into eternity.

looked at him, I suddenly toward the sword tip Guanxiong into the room, the black veil suddenly thrust down, the sting is intense in my smile of joy.

his pale, rushed out sword, blood dripping down the tip. I looked at him journeying slowly fall, before he rushed me mad in his arms, this is the first time, the first time he so tight with me, for the first time looked at me like pain is the first time!

I am even more brighter smile ... ...

the final outcome. The accompanying folk songs, love songs of the prairie is to collect, and wanted to talk about it Huichangdangqi hear a love affair, but it is no longer one touch hard won over.

heart, I know that he was indeed so in love with her, to know love can do that one of the original. I never wipe the blood on the tip is not clean, I use it to cut off his right hand ... ... > old man raised his right arm, arm-side sway Shuaishuai I could not bear to see.

I bowed my head, listening with his father is still slowly rigid flat tone to tell: in this tomb of a woman swordsman. which was heavy rain much, the two tribes are in tears, then fencing will cancel. a question:

I looked at him lonely figure in the day is done and turns into a black spot, think of me lying at the foot of this tomb in the lovestruck girl who suddenly realize their heart, only to find she is I, I was her long luxuriant grass is our exchange, I have a difficult she was asked to restrain the desire to tell, so pick up a pen and wrote this story ... ... stories are very cool, although not suitable for children a little emotional However, I like!

Oh! Today's paper sent to here!

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