Tuesday, October 19, 2010

this film I was in the funny

 This film I was in the funny. feeling she is a lovely little girl, but because her father felt she had heart disease, she could only play one at home, but I felt she was also in love with life, she would enjoy a person's feelings. When she Growing up, probably because of childhood less contact with others, so her heart is pure. It helped her a lot of people around her may be very small, but a little bit of change also will make her happy .. ..... then she FALL IN LOVE. It was this ... haha .......

Plot Amy Li Bulan French girls never enjoyed the warmth of the family, she childhood was spent alone and loneliness. Year-old, the mother died due to accident, sad father suffered from excessive autism, indulge in their own world. He is a doctor, so he loves the beautiful addition to a medical examination, few and daughter contacts. The irony is, he just love beautiful under rapid heartbeat during the test to conclude that she had heart disease, and decided to leave her home to recuperate. Has been deprived of love and beauty partner to play with the fun of the same age, let alone the imagination, she can roam freely to spend the day, their lives to discover the fun, such as ducks and drakes to the river, to cover the ten strawberry a finger slowly suck and so on. When she finally grew up to themselves to break the world. Beautiful love to do a cafe in Paris, waitress, patronize this cafe always seems to some lonely and eccentric people, their behavior often perverse quirks. But in general, her life is also doing well. But the love of beauty is not met, her enthusiasm still do not know where to vent it.

1997 summer, Princess Diana was killed in a car accident. Love suddenly realized that life is so beautiful and fragile and short, she decided to influence the people around, to bring them joy. A chance to love the beautiful wall of the bathroom found a tin box, which placed a lot of baby boys were prized. It seems this should be a little boy hiding in here. The boy may have grown up now, long forgotten his childhood buried So, determined to find love the beautiful And she was secretly helping the people around, changing their lives, repair their lives have begun to implement a great ideal.

positive action to love the beautiful, cold grocery store owner, a man much bullying, depression, gloomy life guards also lost confidence in her neighbors have been included in the Help object. Although many difficulties encountered, and sometimes have to Dances means, with the use of prank, but through hard work, she received no small success.

in her crusading move toward the ideal, she met a Snow is not much use. She gradually found that like the time consumed in sex shop, has a coin collection of waste and other odd habit of the camera chassis even shy boy is her idol ... ...

The following is an interview with the film starring dialogue ............... there are supposed to play the film's actors dream life angel something

Audrey Rita has been previously unknown figure,UGG boots cheap, she once said the words: place only 23 years old girl saw the appearance of almost all sweet smile, she also became the world competing media object of interest. However, she did the Hollywood stars do not seem interested in self-promotion, as she did off the English expression, of so many people excited about it. The young star has a rebellious character has always been low-key attitude with the media, she will often avoid talking about the impact on her success.

I do not want to become the object of media speculation

how you meet the director to 皮埃尔茹奈?

original invitation 爱米莉沃森 Jean-Pierre (film This makes Jean-Pierre was very difficult, he decided to pick a French actress to star in this role. He gave me the phone, sent me the script and informed me audition time. I never expected 10 seconds after the audition, he said to me: called the * Pierre how to look? What do you most admire his shooting style?

To me, he is a genius. Under his guidance on the role I think I was the only contribution to my face and my voice. His world is so delicate and special, and he has his idea of a fixed shape, others, especially me, not from the outside to interfere with him. His way of thinking and many of his fantastic idea impressed me, I appreciate his passion and romance to rub, and with the shooting. Where his most extraordinary is that he has an inexhaustible imagination, he was able to use the details of life, just right to talk about the film's story. Who saw the film probably will understand.

1999, the you in Do you think your success can be attributed to the later award it?

that is true! May not have this award, Jean-Pierre would not have thought the The Caesar trophy, I have place it in my bookcase of the most prominent place. Stood beside me as the film received other awards:

in the entertainment industry, you always try to stay away from the practice of the media is well known.

I do not want to see their pictures in magazines, or even to say that I see in the movies for me is not a pleasant thing. I do not want to be the object of media speculation. I would like to honestly face their own lives to protect the lifestyle I have attached. Lying to myself is to lie to the audience. If I am not satisfied with a movie, not satisfied with the process of filming, I could not before the media praised the film or the shooting. I may be too idealistic it.

in the After the movie, the audience applause. And director Jean-Pierre you were sitting with your first reaction?

Really, I do not think such scenes are rare, I am not accustomed to this show for the media. I never worried about whether the film will be affected by audience - I believe the audience will like it, can not not like it. Months of hard work has finally paid off the shooting. Before that, I have never done for the film's release so much publicity, so far I think there is not much need for these activities, especially on such an excellent film, but also to what a few opening remarks, reflecting What is it? Now the media have praised the film in which I am pleased. I just finished a tour in the provinces campaign, I'd think that such activities are more difficult: each activity to continue for a long time to repeat the same question to answer ... ... but anyway, I feel the success of the film proud, I have nothing to complain about.

poster I'm just a role

shooting this film a lot of improvisation in the scene it?

I was on the lens elements virtually no improvisation, but other actors do a lot of free play, for example, South City and 约兰德莫罗 Isabel, but maybe some do look out of my improvisation . In acting, I always try to experience different roles in different circumstances feel these feelings I like to show it through my face. I recognize that many reporters after the movie comes to tell me, I did not realize that very little dialogue in the movie, because I feel like I never thought of shooting them. For me, the face and the things easier, because I do not specifically to remember lines.

now see their photos on posters in the streets, you feel?

Recently I have not been in Paris, and there is no such being Posters gave me the feeling I was not me, what seems to be one other person, or just a role. But the one in Paris, I will find it was posted too much, I always try not to pay attention to them myself. But I can not, when I think the most embarrassing is when you walk down the street, people are watching you. I really do not like the feeling of fuss.

in the

where some resemblance, and the film's heroine, I want in life with courage, in addition to,UGG shoes, and film roles, I am also a love fantasy, and this allows me to use the imagination to fill the emptiness in real life, to beautify the harsh side of life.

film due to a large extent the success of your show. Have you appeared in the film from start to finish. Shoulder this responsibility if you feel the pressure?

should be recognized when I started shooting the film utterly confused, I'm afraid of commitment to such an important role. I love this script, I said to myself, if my performance because of failure on film fails, then I can never forgive myself. Fortunately, the director's help, I found the characters feel in time, make the film been completed successfully.

the film's success is a leap in your career it?

my mind there is no The film is significant in my life because it gives me the opportunity to experience I have never thought to experience some of the feeling.

attachment to a quiet life

the last time you appear in public in the beginning of this year, when you work for Now your other works, In

I do not think the audience into the theater to the movies just to see its actors. I do not want the media to preach too much, In The film directed by Pascal boot time than the In order to bring attention from the

How do you select roles?

... I like to have characterized the role, I choose those roles are generally outstanding personality, do not follow the crowd of girls. Emily and Michelle (They react differently to things, the feeling of things are different. This role may be closer to Michelle my character. Pascal designed the scene, the audience can see the complex inner world of this character, and perhaps also my inner world. In my previous film, I have never been able to put side out.

really like to see this film, we can clearly feel the progress of your acting.

some U.S. producers sent me the script, but I do not think they really gave me a star In addition a number of European directors, such as Spain, Italy and the Netherlands also sent me the script the director, it makes me very surprised.

you think you should consider becoming an

I never want to be I am quiet I am very attached to life. I do not like asked about his private life, because in France we do not have these are exposed to in the media. But now, I've done a series of seven interviews with foreign media, and the most terrible is that this interview seemed endless. They always ask my boyfriend to do, ask our feelings or private life, no one asked me about the movie or my childhood dream of the issue. . I even went to an employment agency asked how to achieve this ideal, but no one can give me the answer.

So, you chose to show?

In fact, I have been in theater and television industry has a strong interest in: clothing, sets, editing ... ... I like both. I have chosen show, because I think my hand is not enough dexterity. to become an actress is not considered a thoughtful choice of comb, because when I was a Mianlin exchange test students. I began to want to become a stage actor, but I soon found my audience a little bit of shyness in the face.

to Hollywood? Oh, no.

What do you think to become an actor?

vary. Some people think that an actor is to become famous,Discount UGG boots, and I have the pleasure of being in the show. I think an actor needs talent, but also through professional training and meet all sorts of people to enrich their life experience.

actress in all, who is your idol? your performance is not in imitation of her style?

I have no idol actress, because I never thought to mimic someone else's style. I have a favorite actresses, such as Fanny Arden, Jane Nibaliba and Charlotte Gainsbourg.

You usually like to do?

I like? I like to ride on the highway driving, like the small shop on the road to rest and enjoy watching the waiter for my car a busy and carefully cleaned look. I also like to take a nap in the summer, I suddenly heard someone give me the camera shutter sound of camera, of course, I do not want this person is a journalist, I hope my good friend. There is the sea, I like play to the beach with friends. But I have a quirk that is not used to walking barefoot on the beach,UGG boots, because I think it would Cici. But when the water to wet my socks, I would feel So a little uncomfortable.

you are going to Hollywood do?

Oh, no. I do not intend to leave France to the United States quickly developed, and I do not even want to in Hollywood and in the France to compare the local acting. Morales, Woody Allen, Hu Liao Mei Rodham and so on. Speaking of Hollywood, in fact, I've been feeling down in France and Hollywood actress seems difficult to really integration. you see the The  performance yet? I think she could not show the inside and her original home in France, compared to those roles, I even think it is purely a waste of time. Though, if given the opportunity to I do not mind playing with a trip to Hollywood. but this thing I do not want to say never, if you know what I meant to say ... ...

do you believe in fate?

I am very confident . all are already doomed, the past will come. I think the need to have dreams.

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