Friday, December 3, 2010

12 reasons Star Quest slow motion love

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Sohu column, reproduced, please indicate the source.
[Abstract] love is like the tango, bend relative to please, every possible courtesy to finally pull the hand, but not necessarily be on the pace step; step on the steps, find the rhythm and changed at any time for snuggling close yet so far away from. As partner suddenly unilaterally to shift attention away from the original beat, slow pace, is bound to call you steps have been obediently stepped out of chaos footing. Speaking of which slow down the action of the reason, what is the heart of bored, and want to leave, or intend to no longer limp District Council, to stabilize? may wish to join me to talk about love, dance, explore the constellations look at Valentine's 12 Exceeding the heart in the end. (Please refer to the sun sign, moon sign and Venus sign)

something to keep frantically Aries Aries slow down, moving very contemplation, in fact, sometimes they do not love, used to remain high-speed walking. Some children with nature TA, I just felt tired to play catch on to a relaxing break too. This time of two options to choose from. Option A nice quiet other end of TA rest, fully charged, it will re-invest. Of course, most of Aries rest do not disturb the four characters will be inaccessible, TIPS before you play yourself. The program, to paint the world Aries Another fresh bright colors, so that TA felt a refreshing, and immediately re-entry is not difficult to dance. you can put yourself a new look, style, there are three options: cool, cute, hot, a bit weird to still do not, Aries the aesthetic is still very mainstream, but also keep in mind too far is taboo. There is also a shortcut to each other without knowing the circumstances make sense of your personality TA TA not aware of the bright spot, with frank and better than the small details , is also very effective in another way.
Taurus Taurus has always been a chronic
,UGG shoes, although the hard-working spirit is commendable, but there is always tired when individuals, understanding and let TA has a space for rest, but also to slow-moving TA has a space down to think about the feelings of each other is no longer so skelter to jump, now is not the time to stabilize. Although Taurus has stellar dance their cells, but stable life this time Taurus, or something in the end the top priority in life. If you are doing is Let Taurus endless pain, but slow down in the initial phase of TA, or with the TA already tired of that attitude so as not to hurt the good. If you send precisely the specificity and stability in earnest love people, then congratulations, you will also find a Fuji you concentrate on the other half. Although obstinate Taurus is a small defect of the boxes,UGGs, but it may well be a real treasure to understand your feelings and to pay matching partner. Taurus slow down the action, you do not care Slow, emotional stability will be sooner or later.
Gemini Gemini
seek fresh slow down the action, reason is quite straightforward: TA has met more new and interesting people and things catch the eye TA, So a heart and a fresh eyes and quickly flew to the other side. But do not misunderstand Gemini therefore hastily change of heart, because it fresh although there may be another side to attract Gemini people may also have a strong interest to TA work, play, and TA also need to have some independent space to complete this new journey. Do not try to pry into Gemini were caught a little secret,bailey UGG boots, do not play personality test with a small temper TA. If you value your TA, TA will time to find a TA is to embark on your journey of interpretation, see you interested in, TA would not mind to invite you to fun of them. But if the TA recently asked what in the end in busy time, TA is just playing and doing Tai Chi outright made him, or simply inform the busy work, then you'd better cool the relationship under consideration is still strong, this feeling is not the Pro will end, because it is the Gemini commonly used for cooling the current emotional way.
Cancer Cancer
gentle and delicate situation with no or a very high degree, although the jump Ma Ma, but the real key steps must always step up your ally. But when the action slows down TA , the eyes of virtual focus, and pace misplaced, the whole show trance, this situation may be mm and only one problem. Of course, there are two source of this problem, one is guilty of Cancer of the sensitivities, perhaps you Some day you move triggered a TA loyalty index distrust, perhaps your attitude towards the family still fail to TA's requirements. to deal with their emotional problems that can never Cancer strengths, these problems around the head in Cancer ah to mess around Ma, unprepared spectator can not solve the problem, take the initiative to ask, frankly problem-solving attitude, let TA reassurance. The second is to be more security for the Harbour Cancer absorbed, you are hesitant to rely on each other that by the shore or shore. this case in addition to enhancing the performance of security forces have no alternative, Cancer is always choose the warmest in the TA that harbor dock.
dignity of Leo's face is extremely heavy, slow down this kind of thing likely to happen in the TA who rarely, if TA lion stepped on the tail of rage directly ordered a halt under the TA is a consistent style. disorder, difficult to clean up scene, you must not to assume that relationship ended, no transfer. want to tame Leo, may not know is the victory that dealt with gently Collection. stopped to see Leo rage, but asked the clean-up from the bow to admit the first to seriously correction but the second to. For the remaining fragments, to shift the focus to avoid the related topics to joke amused forgiveness will be better than Leo delicate and charming like to wait in the side of the wide ask. Should touch on matters of principle, however, the lion's fury difficult to stop a good turn. As a man believes his position of authority, Leo is not blind, in principle a serious attitude on the issue directly to the mistakes you refused a thousand miles. especially in this case, TA and more dazzling selection of more appropriate there, he was swept out of the fate of almost not far away from you. While the other half on weekdays would love a plus, but how to squeeze better serve their own sense of propriety Leo big cats is essential.

analities Virgo Virgo notoriously slow to move up is certainly not unexpected, because Virgo after thinking it over, the decision was made after picking is indeed difficult to change, to consider other mental endurance case, the slow pace is just a psychological buffer against the other party to accept the fact of breaking up, jump to an end, and turned to leave simply iron nails. Finally, mournful air left you alone and do not blame the TA is too unsympathetic, the Virgin Block's dictionary, to give you a grace period is considered the greatest kindness. Also do not attempt to break up roads from the reasons given by TA to find the improvement of self, a breakthrough to restore the relationship, Virgo Notes on leopard change his spots This principle has never been convinced. Even if you bow to admit, positive improvement, and finally transformed into the required TA perfect example of that, try to find back to TA, perfunctory treatment of the surface of the old lover TA will, but it definitely does not count with you again bathing in love. So when you realize that they have become the eyes of Virgo the other half of that flawed, they can go to learn to sing Libra slow dance in love with the TA hesitant when in distress, indecisive attitude is not unrelated,UGG boots clearance, but this moment is clear is that Libra is facing a multiple choice test or a non-issue. nothing more than multiple-choice questions on weekdays from Libra others in the pro-and ambiguous attitude attracted peach fly. And from the probability point of view, there is always a peach dashing twelve makes TA so evil to it, the question is, old love and good, but live so long, inevitably exposed to a little small defects; new love strong enough, but who can guarantee the future than the old love is good? so no reason to put himself into the position of a child Zhenbao, Red Rose White Rose are good are good, is still relatively compared . True or false, the above mentioned old love of small defects, most of the Libra will not respect that, so indispensable to you try to figure out something. is not in front of you mentioned, but Libra small defects in your time of exposure will likely be frowns pending , or a sudden silence, this time to observe carefully in the future for their own coded carefully, even if the Libra occasional swing, but the relationship is still generally safe to.

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