Monday, February 21, 2011

Bottles should not be too much emphasis on beauty of the heart

 Bottle of the , bottles and food packaging point of view health care products, there has been the pursuit of bottle become a have a One is the material needs, packaging with anti-pressure, shock metamorphic features, and the other is a spiritual aesthetic needs, namely, social recognition, such as economic value, ethical role, production, living standards, aesthetic preferences, history, culture, psychological needs, fashion and other different information. For example, moon cake, more consumers now use it as a gift, as a gift, aesthetics matter more than, a; another example, pickles, spices, etc. Jiang Doufu and material needs will be higher, designed mainly to protect the bottle not broken, the contents do not spoil. Of course, when we have reached the following material functions, namely, to achieve homogeneity of goods stage, we must seek spiritual needs. < br> It is understood that the packaging of all kinds of goods from its use and purpose to the design can be divided into transport packaging and sales packaging, the most important function of research is the first product protection, packaging moderation to achieve, that is, effective protection for goods to satisfy the premise, and strive to packaging materials used in as little as possible to ensure that the economy of packaging costs. In this sense, any form of excessive packaging and packaging are too weak to be sought in the packaging design avoided.
too weak will cause the results of the packaging design process in the circulation of goods increased breakage, should seek to avoid, more is not allowed in the package cut corners to a selfish cause damage to public resources. but excessive the negative effects of packaging is also very obvious, the consequences are not only a waste of resources, but also to the amount of solid waste increases the packaging to improve the environmental load.
Design Committee of China Packaging Technology Association, Li Lihua, director pointed out that in recent years, health care bottle, bottle packaging industry has developed rapidly, any packaging should be designed in accordance with market needs. Professor Huang Wei that the packaging material needs are basic needs, as the amount aesthetic needs, the product itself according to the positioning of a particular decision The market has decided to locate the consumer that your product with material and aesthetic needs of the very appropriate to buy your goods, contrary to tired of this commodity, not to purchase. and This product's market positioning, and reflect the commodity Wu Wei of Health, the commodity economy in the packaging plays a special role, non-physical, metaphysical, it will matter, a physical product, or waste products through the packaging into a commodity. goods packaging the product mmm, mmm substances intertwined with the power of non-material, colorful show in circulation Emmanuel, added to the daily life of a Road landscape. packaging itself is an ancient activity, commodity exchange after the people there to make food preservation through its longer, long-distance transport of goods and to reduce breakage. into the industrial society, market economy, commodity cycles, and is also a property of products, manufacturers, companies and more packaging is also marked with the company's cultural characteristics, market competition, price World War II forced the merchants constantly upgrading products, constantly changing packaging, in order to sell, in order to beat the competition, and some products have even been packaged conceal its true function and value, product packaging has become World War II World War II. when these products debut when the counter in the supermarket, the modern packaging of goods in the end rely on product features, or rely on packaging to bring true satisfaction, people began to get lost, confused the concept of modern packaging. packing much easier for the added value and move towards the pole To even more away from the track of real life, there has been a large number of the level of rich in the humanities. China is a social ritual, the Chinese people more about face, the face becomes a commodity packaging, of course, has become a ritual and Shouli who share the face, one through the packaging to comparisons of the individual in society value and quality through the packaging of goods to determine the self-evaluation in the eyes of others and to convey the inferiority or superiority between the status of packaging at this time does really become a

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