Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yimeng drought assistance comes from a hundred years old liberated War Hanmo

 Expert guidance on how to Seedlings of wheat drought.

Shandong, Sichuan Bureau of Geology and Mineral
drilling wells on-site team went to cheer before the swearing-in


rapid collection

from Jinan to the guidance of agricultural experts at the scene tree

growers how to drought.

Dazhong News since last Sept. 11 in late February this year, Linyi City,

164 days consecutive rainfall of only 8.0 mm, 94% below normal over the

same period over the years, the Linyi City in 1952 over the same period

of precipitation since the rainfall data the minimum amount, duration

rainfall return period of once in 200 years. Lack of water due to the

long supplemented the Yi River, Shu River and other large and medium

sized river runoff was below normal, there are 119 small rivers, 48

small reservoirs dried up, 2080 electromechanical wells and water

shortage. The city has 508 acres of wheat have been affected and 7.11

million people, 1.28 million head of livestock drinking water appears


a dry one, P Plus support, unite and drought relief. Linyi century

drought affects the State Council, Central Military Commission of the

heart. In recent days, the drought came from all directions to the Linyi

team together, with deep feelings of the old area of Linyi support

drought relief, a Unit of warmth this winter merged into the most

beautiful scenery.

end of last year, chief expert of the National Wheat, Chinese Academy of

Engineering Professor Yu Zhenwen drought composed of Ministry of

Agriculture, Linyi City, view the inspection team to the disaster,

drought and guidance. February 15 this year, the national land and

resources Drought start looking for water well drilling operations

started in Linyi, directly from the Land Department and Sichuan,

Shandong Province, 11 drilling teams to carry out rapid drought in Linyi

work looking for water wells, they With advanced equipment, working

overtime to finish the work, and strive to play as soon as possible

water, drought relief as soon as possible. The drought wells looking for

water operations, Ministry of Land and geophysical equipment, mobilizing

50, 500 drilling rigs, construction of 5,000 technical staff, the

initial capital invested 100 million yuan, will be within 1 month, at

least 1000 to complete the construction of wells , focused on solving

problems and difficulty in drinking water problem of 50-80 million mu of

irrigated grain fields. 403 Geological Team of Sichuan Bureau of Geology

and Xu Bing, deputy leader, said: This time we went to Shandong, with a

thankful heart, let us stand with the people and Shandong, with our

technology, the people tide over the difficulties, and Shandong. It is

understood that the present system of land and resources looking for

water well drilling team has drought positioning 99, 47 drilling, 4,864

m drilling footage, as well 9. Each well people solve the 6000 drinking

water, irrigation 50 to 60 acres of farmland.

army base areas the drought affects the heart. In recent days, Inner

Mongolia Military Region, the Ningxia Military Region, Beijing Military

Area Command has dispatched water supply corporations rushed to the

mission area of Linyi, receiving mission, survey the terrain,

coordinating units unloaded, mobility, security, and other matters. Head

of military vehicles in Inner Mongolia of China Song told reporters: as

well, for more drilling, fast water, a good water!

According to reports, a water supply project in Inner Mongolia Military

Mission to support the Mengyin, dispatched 350 troops, 81 units and

equipment, eight drilling rigs, drilling plans 91; Ningxia Jun Area with

Water Supply Engineers dispatched 603 troops, 9 drilling, sub-tier teams

to 6 Yinan County, Linyi City, Henan Province and will be 14 in the town

of Yinan, plans drilling 67. Beijing Military Region, the allocation of

a water supply engineering regiment of troops to the province up to 359

people, 81 sets of equipment and seven rigs. Currently, three water

supply project group has arrived in the mission area, the first tier,

the drought drilling work is being orderly.

further encourage the parties to support people in drought Linyi

enthusiasm, as of now, Linyi City has invested a total of 200 million

drought-relief funds at all levels of 59.99 million yuan, of which

18,960,000 degree of drought electricity, oil 4409 tons. This year, the

investment drought electromechanical wells and 13,600, 581 pumping

stations, mobile equipment, 45,870 sets of Drought, motor vehicles,

water transport 2628, at 90.32 million into the labor drought.

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